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olivia called me a couple times, but i didn't answer. i was scared if i was being honest. i didn't know if she was mad at me or upset with herself about what happened.

i just wished she saw herself the way everyone else did. how beautiful and innocent she was. her laugh and the way she could brighten up a fucking room just by walking in.

it was clear she didn't see any of that. and, slowly but surely, she was destroying herself because of it.

so, no. i didn't answer the phone.

but bb did.

and bb made sure they would go out and get drunk to get their minds off of things. because, shit, did olivia need it.

bb had introduced olivia to her cousin tori. tori was older than the two of them, and her step brother owned the bar bb took olivia to that night.

olivia and tori got along really well. they talked about why each other where there at the bar that night; liv because of fezco and tori because of her ex girlfriend. they had their own problems, very different and very similar at the same time.

"we should start heading back soon." tori said, talking over the music someone was playing in the background. bb took another sip of her drink, dancing by herself next to liv and tori, who were sitting next to each other on stools.

"what? no way!" she said. liv and tori exchanged looks.

"you're probably right. i have shit to do tomorrow and i'm already a little too drunk than i probably should be." olivia chuckled. tori chuckled, too, but bb rolled her eyes.

"alright, fine. liv, i'll talk to you. tori, you're my ride home. good luck dragging me outta this bitch." bb hit her vape.

again, liv and tori exchanged glances. they said their goodbyes, and olivia walked out to the parking lot to her car. she had driven herself here, not wanting to rely on bb or her cousin.

once she walked outside, liv could see the ground was dark and the only light was coming from a single street light illuminating the parking lot and lights from cars driving by on a nearby highway.

olivia looked over just as she was about to open her car door when she saw jayson getting in his truck. they made eye contact, and were the only two in the parking lot.

why, of all places, did he have to be here right now?

she figured to make some use of him and it would be a good time to tell him how she felt and to get the things she was thinking about their situation off of her chest. it was a public setting, and even though there were no people present they were still inside the bar a few feet away.

plus, like she said, she was a little more drunk than she should be for her liking.

liv sighed and walked over to jay's truck. he saw her approaching him and shut his door, leaning on it.

"jackson. what're you doing here?" jayson greeted. olivia didn't smile or anything, just figured it would be best to get to the point.

"i just wanted to talk to you because i know your going through a lot right now and i don't want you to feel like i lead you on. if i'm gonna be honest with you, i was high when we hooked up and i didn't mean for it to happen. i don't want to be in a relationship with you again." she confessed, ignoring his question. she didn't know how jayson would feel, and she didn't really care.

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