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olivia jackson's funeral was beautiful.

fezco and her parent's came together to plan a wonderful, respectful ceremony. everything was decorated with bouquets that consisted of white roses and pink flowers. her body was buried in a white and gold casket, right outside of st. matt's church, the same church mr. and mrs. jackson got married in.

everyone from east highland had showed, and the high school kids were a little taken back at how fancy the food and scenery was. at the viewing, champagne was served by waiters and little cocktail foods were open to eat.

mrs. jackson gave a wonderful eulogy.

fezco wanted to talk, but olivia's parents wouldn't let him.

lots of people had very nice things to say. they talked about how great she was, and how far olivia would've gone in her life. her parents were proud. fezco was devastated. i was guilty. and the rest of her friends were shocked.

because, let's face it, no one expected olivia jackson to die of an overdose, and for a random friend her parents didn't even know she had to find her in her bathtub.

liv's parents got out of east highland for good and settled down in crema, italy, a town liv had always wanted to visit.

nate and cassie moved in together after cassie got pregnant. they had their problems, but were making it work for the baby. maddy found someone else and owned her own nail and tanning salon. kat stopped making videos online, broke up with ethan, and became a lawyer. she lived by herself in an apartment in new york city. jules, who also lived in new york city, ran her own clothing line. elliot modeled for jules' clothes and helped promote her business. ayson stayed with christina, the girl he told to screw fezco. turns out, they were good for each other.

fezco got out of the drug dealing business and went back to school for his bachelor's degree. he ended up marrying lexi, a small town girl who became a director. they lived in the hills with ashtray around where olivia's old house used to be.

i got sober. it took a lot of shit, but i did. and, even though me and jules weren't together anymore, we were still good friends. i decided to go to nursing school like my dad wanted me to. i wanted to help people like him as best i could.

everyone had moved on with their lives. and, eventually, olivia jackson just became a sad story parents would tell to their kids to get them to not fall into peer pressure at parties. "don't do drugs. you don't want to end up like her."

at least, that's how olivia hoped things would be after she od'd.

because she expected to die.

she did die.

"hello, ma'am. i'm happy to see you up. could you tell me your name?" dr. gonzalez asked, smiling down at the girl in the hospital bed. there was a monitor beeping next to her. she had cords and plugs attached to her body, and was incredibly confused.

"um...olivia. olivia jackson."

but only for a second.

dr. gonzalez wrote something down on his paper that was attached to a clipboard.

"and you're date of birth?" he asked.

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