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rue biked to her meeting. bb was able to pick liv up from elliot's house, and as soon as liv got into the car, she couldn't hold it in anymore.

bb didn't want to see her best friend cry. she wanted her to be able to move on from fezco and not have to deal with it anymore. she wanted her to be able to let him go.

so, bb thought it'd be a great idea to drive olivia to fez's store for her to give him a piece of her mind.

as olivia walked up, she saw the familiar lights and could smell weed from several feet away. she walked in, and fez was sitting by the register.

when he looked at her, he jumped up immedietly. if olivia jackson was really at his store right now, something was either very, very wrong, or his prayers had been answered.

"olivia." fez greeted. he started to loose interest in why she was here and was just happy that she was.

then, he got close enough to see her mascara smudged eyes.

"you cheated on me?" she asked, getting right to the point. she needed answers and she needed them now.

"what?" he asked, taken back.

"the night of the carnival. the night you fucking had sex with me for the first time? you asshole!" liv rambled, getting angrier and sadder and more frustrated with every word she said. she pushed fezco back with her hands a little bit, but he barely stumbled.

"um...i'm faye." the girl in the corner with blonde hair said. neither olivia or fezco looked her way.

"please, liv, just listen to me..." fez tried, putting his hands out.

olivia choked on a sob. that's all she needed to hear to know it was true.

"that's why you didn't care i kissed that dude at the club...because you fucked someone anyway so it didn't matter! none of it fucking mattered." she continued, the memories slowly starting to come back to her.

it was the night she went to the club with maddy, the first real fight her and fezco got in as a couple.

"i didn't feel like i was good enough for you." fezco tried.

olivia took her hand and slapped him across the face. she didn't want to hear his excuses. after how badly he acted she was when she had kissed jayson, knowing he had done this the entire time. it wasn't fucking fair.

he turned his head harshly from the hit, but she tilted her head so that she could see him and he could see her. that's all she wanted, was for him to see how much he had hurt her.

"liv?" a voice asked. olivia and fez turned.

"lexi?" she asked. she saw lexi standing in front of her, ashtray sitting far behind with tears in his eyes. olivia tried to blink away the tears in her own eyes, but it didn't really work.

"what the fuck are you doing here?" liv wondered, looking away from ashtray. before lexi could answer, footsteps approached the shop and a man walked in.


as soon as olivia saw that it was cal jacobs who had walked into the store, she knew she had to leave.

fez grabbed her hand, but she pulled it away from him quickly and wiped the tears off of her eyes.

"don't fucking touch me." she muttered.

olivia walked back to bb's car, sitting down in the passenger's seat. bb turned with wide eyes, waiting for liv to say something.

"well? is it true?" she asked.

liv didnt have to say any words. the sobs she broke into for what felt like the hundredth time tonight was enough of an answer.

𝑎 𝑏𝑎𝑑 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑠.Where stories live. Discover now