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fezco had called olivia forty three times before she finally texted him to make sure ashtray wasn't fucking dying or something. eventually, after a lot of convincing, liv agreed to meet up with fezco at a local diner to talk about things.

because, shit. he had some explaining to do.

when olivia walked into the diner, she saw an old couple eating at one end and fezco waiting in a booth at the other. she walked down the isle to meet him, avoiding his eye contact as he stared her down.

on the table, there was a sticky menu and two waters. liv pushed the water away, staring down at the menu. she figured that if she acted like she was reading it, fez wouldn't say something right away.

but he did.

"do you remember the night of the carnival?" he asked. he couldn't afford to waste any time with pleasentries.

"it was when we got into our first real fight as a couple." liv said, remembering. fezco nodded, but she still refused to make eye contact.

"yeah. we broke up." he added.

he sighed and folded his hands together, leaning down on the table in front of him. olivia chuckled dryly.

"i know. we were broken up for a few hours and you already fucked someone." she commented, looking up at him for the first time. she regretted it immedietly and looked down again.

"listen to me. i got really high and i had a couple people over to try and get my mind off things. and, uh...there was this girl there." fez explained.

olivia's eyes started to tear up. thinking about fezco in this situation, having sex with someone who wasn't her made her feel sick. she couldn't bare it.

"i can't do this. i shouldn't have came." she mumbled. she tried to stand up out of the booth to leave, but fezco grabbed her hand.

they hadn't touched in..so long.

"i had sex with her because i thought it would help me move on from you. i didn't feel like i could be there for you when you needed me or that i would be good for you. so i had sex with her. then i went to the carnival because ashtray pulled me out of the house and i knew you'd be there." he rambled.

olivia felt like she couldn't breath. she wanted to sigh, but she didn't want to take the words he said in.

a tear fell down her left cheek, but she wiped it away immedietly. when fezco realized she wasn't going to say anything, that she couldn't, he continued.

"i pushed her off of me when i realized there was no moving on from you. you're everything to me, you've always have been. and there's just no way i could replace you. there's no explanation for what i did. no excuses. from the bottom of my heart, i am so sorry for how much i hurt you." he went on.

he continued to hold olivia's hand across the table and stared, leaning forward and trying to get her to look at him. his own eyes started to water.

"when i first found out, i didn't know what to think. and then i wondered if you were feeling the same way i was when i kissed jayson at that party. i remembered how you were so mad at me and how dissapointed you were. and i hated myself for disappointing you." she cried. at this point, tears continued to run down her face. a tear fell down fezco's face as well, but he wiped it away quickly.

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