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it was around ten o'clock when the place started to look full. people were off on their own, drinking and having fun.

which included olivia.

"you're so hot." the guy she was dancing with said in her ear. she grabbed his neck still facing the opposite way, and didn't remove it when lexi approached her.

"liv. have you seen cassie?" she asked, looking worried. liv continued to press herself up against the guy behind her.

"no. why? is she okay?" she questioned. the guy behind her continued to put his hands on her hips, swaying back and forth.

"we got into a screaming argument and she got out of the car in the middle of the road. she's not answering any of my calls." lexi explained, uncomfortable with the guy holding olivia.

"shit. i'll..let you know if i see her." liv said. lexi nodded, and glanced at the dude she was dancing with.

"whos this?" she asked. rudely, the guy didn't even look her way. instead, he continued to stare down at olivia hungerly.

all liv could do was laugh.

"i don't know." she smiled, shrugging.

lexi frowned and walked away, looking for maddy or kat to ask one of them the same thing. liv continued to dance and closed her eyes for a second. when she opened them, she saw ashtray looking her way from outside. he gave her a nod, and she stopped moving her hips up against the dude behind her.

"i'll be right back." she said, never fully turning around.

she passed a few people and walked through a cloud of smoke from a blunt, finally able to approach the lawn chair ashtray was sitting in. they smiled at each other as he stood up, giving her a hug.

"it's good to see you." he said. she nodded, crossing her arms over her chest.

"yeah. yeah, you too. happy new year." she said.

"i know you and fezco aren't together anymore. but, still, after him, you still my ride or die." ashtray nodded. liv nodded as well, still smiling softly.

"you was there since i was a baby and shit. watched me grow up, helped him take care of me. you like my sister. you're family." he finished.

they both teared up a little, but it wasn't that noticeable. when liv and fez broke up, ashtray took it almost as hard as fez did. mainly because he knew liv, the girl who was in his life more than his own mother, wouldn't be around as much anymore.

it's hard going from seeing someone everyday to only seeing them every now and then.

"i love you, ash. you know i'll always be there." she said. he nodded, and waved to someone walking by.

"speaking of fez, you two talk at all anymore?" ashtray wondered, genuinely curious.

"no. not at all. not since..." olivia spoke softly, drowning out her sentence for ashtray to nod again.

"is he here?" she asked. ashtray nodded.

"somewhere." he answered.

𝑎 𝑏𝑎𝑑 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑠.Where stories live. Discover now