CHAPTER 26: Two-sided Traitor

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<Yin's POV>

I woke up in a familiar room. I looked around and it took a couple of seconds for me to distinguish where the hell am I. I am at my own room in my old house where my kids and Ayah lived with me before. I tried to get up as I groaned in pain. My head really hurts. I sat down and rests my back on the wall. I was trying to remember what the hell happened before I became unconscious. I really can't remember a thing, so I just closed my eyes again and forced myself to remember. After a couple of minutes, I saw someone is trying to open the door. As my reflex, I tried to reach the nearest table with a drawer to grab something for defense. Unfortunately, I can't move my body. The door opened and I saw Ysa. I sighed in relief because I was not in danger, but my expression changed suddenly into worried face because Ysa is sniffling while rubbing her eyes. She is indeed crying.

Yin: What.... What happened? Why are you... crying?

Ysa: Yin. *hiccup* I'm so sorry.

Yin: For?

Ysa: I tried to defend you from them, but they still hate you for Gia's death.

Yin: What?

Ysa: They don't want to see you, or else, they will kill you.

I scoffed and tried to hold my laugh.

Yin: They can't do that, especially Mikey.

Ysa: Yeah, that's what I thought too.

She closed the door and walked closer to me. She sat down beside me, then she holds my hands.

Ysa: I don't know why but, even Mikey wanted to avoid you. Among them, Koko has the most grudge against you, and you know why.

My eyes widened of what I have heard and tried to avoid my gaze from her. My heart beating so fast, as I control my breathing. I don't know what exactly to react or feel, if it's to be sad, or angry, or disappointed. I don't wanna believe in her words but, she seems telling the truth.

Ysa: Before I forget, I have found the location of the new boss of Miyagawa. We have to finish this mission.

Yin: I think there's no point in finishing the mission.

Ysa: But... If we will finish this and Miyagawa will praise us, maybe Mikey and the rest will forgive you.

Yin: Finishing the mission can't bring Gia back to life.

Ysa: But we have to. Please.

She kept on insisting and I saw her determination in her eyes. I just sighed and nodded, and smiled.

<Ran's POV>

Ysa visited us in our HQ and requested to gather around because she has something to tell us.

Ysa: Thank you Mikey for granting my request. I'm sorry for the inconvenience if I have called you here.

Mikey: She told me that Yin was a traitor. I don't believe at start because I trusted her the most, but she showed me some evidences to prove that she's telling the truth.

Ysa: I went back to Miyagawa's village trying to collect information for our mission. Since Gia's death was stated by Yin, I also tried to locate her remains and investigate her death. In our room, I found some small chips used by Yin. I don't exactly know what are those at first because I am not that skilled in technologies. When we went back to our room, we saw some bullet holes at the ceiling and we suspect that Gia used the ceiling to escape. I found a lot of small chips along her way. I also found her phone crushed outside the building near the rose bushes.

Koko: Yes that's it! Maybe that was the time she called for help.

Mikey: She what?

Koko: Uhm Mikey...

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