CHAPTER 8: Goodbye

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<Safira's POV>

-next day-

I went to visit the Furinji Tech. Upon arriving at the parking lot, I saw a lot of media in front of the entrance. I came out from my car and walks towards them. The reporters saw me and they rushed towards me, and bombarded me with a lot of questions.

Reporter 1: Miss Furinji, may we have your statement?

Reporter 2: You were at the Lei Feing hotel yesterday, can you give us some statement about the incident?

Reporter 3: Were you being attacked?

Reporter 4: The police have reported that there is a possibility that you were dead.

Then a masked man grabbed my hand and gave me a flashdrive and he walks away. I tried to follow him but I lost my sight of him because of the crowd. I just ignored the reporters and the guards escorted me inside the building and they blocked the reporters not to get inside.

I was thinking that it was one of the minions of Bonten. I wondered why he gave me a flashdrive.


She was screaming while running towards me.

Safira: You're so loud.

Gia: Madam! Are you okay? You were at the Lei Feing hotel yesterday. Were you injured?

Safira: I don't wanna talk about it.

Gia: But madam...

Safira: Find me a spare laptop. An old laptop I prefer. Or a laptop that doesn't have any important files.

Gia: Roger!

I went straight to my office while staring at my hand with a flashdrive on it. Then Gia went inside to hand me the laptop.

Safira: Thank you.

Gia: You're welcome madam.

She left and I opened the laptop. I plugged the flashdrive in it and I saw one video file. I wear an earphone so that I will be the only one who can hear it.

Upon opening the video file, it was all black but I heard a familiar voice.

"You are really good in hiding from us huh. It's like almost 2 decades, but you still resemble your Mom. Make sure that no one will see this video. This video is only for you."

Then a transition was followed and I was shocked with what I saw. It's Ayah. She is kneeling down with ties on her arms, she's naked with a lot of deep wounds all over her body, and she's soaked with her own blood.

A man speaks again.

"Now tell her everything you wanted to say."

Ayah smirks and stares at the camera, as if she was really looking at me.

"Madam, I'm sorry. I have failed protecting them."

What is she talking about? As my tears run down my face.

"Madam, they have killed Shimizu."

I covered my mouth and started crying.

"These men barged in this mansion, Shimizu was screaming for help, but then they shoot Shimizu in her head. I ran back inside the mansion and took Hoshi. We used the back door to escape. Then some of the guards here helped us in escaping. But they're so fast. I have decided to sacrifice myself for Hoshi's safety. I instructed Hoshi what to do. If he has successfully escaped, maybe he is waiting for you now in the place the first time you met. I lured these men away from Hoshi and as I was planning, they followed me. All of the guards assigned to protect us here were all dead. They caught me and guess what they did. What do you think they did to me in my appearance right now?"

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