CHAPTER 3: The CEO of Furinji Tech Institute

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<Characters to be mentioned>

Furinji Safira (26) - CEO of Furinji Tech Institute
Shimizu (6) - daughter of Safira
Hoshi (10) - son of Safira
Ayahfumi (19) - maid of Safira
Gia Merielle (22) - secretary of Safira

<Author's POV>

At 10 in the evening, Ayah was fixing the mess caused by the cat in the garage, then she suddenly heard someone calling her at their gate.

"Psst! Psst!"

Ayah opened their gate to see who is calling her.


Ayah was about to scream but the woman grabbed her and covers her mouth.

"Don't scream you idiot! You could have woke the kids up! It's me. Safira. Okay? Just calm down."

Ayah calmed down and the woman uncovers her mouth.

Ayah: Madam!

Safira: Geez! I told you to hush.

Ayah: *hopping with joy* Long time no see madam! Where have you been? Have you eaten already? Were you fine lately? What happened?

Safira: *sigh* I'm kinda tired okay? Let's just get inside. You better lower your voice.

Ayah: I'm just happy to see you.

Both of them went inside while Ayah locked their gate. They are still talking in low toned voice while entering the house.

Safira: But I'm not happy to see you *jokingly said*

Ayah: Ouch! That hurts!

Safira: *chuckles* You're really an idiot. Why did you open that gate if you don't know who was calling you. You could have been killed by you idiocy.

Ayah: Oh😐

Safira: *sits on the couch while removing her shoes and suit* How are the kids lately?

Ayah: Well they are fine, but their academic card distribution was two days ago. Their advisers won't release their report card if it's not a parent. In other words, you will get their cards personally.

Safira: I thought they will release it if a guardian will come. You are the one who claimed their cards last 1st Quarter.

Ayah: I thought that too madam. But there was an incident happened during the last card distribution. So they have decided to let the parents come instead of guardians.

Safira: *sigh* Their policies are inconsistent. Maybe we'll transfer them to another school next school year.

Ayah helped Safira fixing her stuff, and Safira took a quick shower and she went inside her kids' room silently.

Safira: *in mind* Good thing that they are safe while I'm gone. I was never mistakenly chose Ayah to be their guardian.

She laid down beside Shimizu.

Hoshi: Mommy?

Safira: *turned sight to Hoshi* You're still awake?

Hoshi: Mommy! *he hopped to her*

Safira: Shh! Shimizu is sleeping. Quiet.

Hoshi: I missed you! *kissed her on the cheeks*

Safira: I miss you too *kissed him on his forehead* Come sleep with us. *pats the space beside her*

Hoshi: *lays down beside her* I have a lot to tell you Mommy.

Safira: You can tell me that tomorrow. I will drive you to school to get your cards.

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