CHAPTER 24: Blackmail

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<Yin's POV>

I was at the library to meet Mr. Hanae and report about the new boss' possible location, when suddenly the electricity was cut off. As a reflex, I ducked and tried to crawl somewhere to hide to avoid possible assassination. I whispered in my mic and trying to communicate with Gia.

Yin: Gia? Gia... 735 reporting. Gia...

She's not answering and I started worrying about her. After almost a minute, the light went back then I saw many soldiers running around. I didn't crawl out from where I am hiding yet, and whispered again in my mic.

Yin: Gia? Hey.

Still no response.

Yin: Ysa. 731 please come in. Ysa. Ysa....

I checked my earpiece and my mic. I don't know how to manipulate this because Gia personally modified these devices. I decided to crawl out and walked normally. Since Ysa's location is nearer to me than Gia's location, I headed to Ysa first.

Where are they already? Does the new boss have another assassin to kill him? What would I expect from this wealthy and powerful family. This family is more like a syndicate or a criminal gang because of its set up.

The hallway towards the safe room is pretty silent and no one was around. So weird. A safe room but no security? I moved my hands inside my pockets holding my gun, just in case I'll be ambushed in this place. I stopped in front of the safe room's door, but it has some security codes. I looked around to see if someone staring at me. Fortunately, there is none. I pulled out my left hand, but my right hand is still holding my gun inside my pocket. When I was about to tap some codes, the door suddenly made a sound and it's opening slowly. I moved to the side immediately and pulled out my gun aiming at the doorway.

Yin: Ysa?

I saw her and I moved my gun away from her.

Yin: What the hell happened? Why are you....

I didn't finish what I am saying when suddenly pulled me inside and she closed the door.

Yin: What the hell?

Ysa: Shut up Yin. Someone could have seen us.

I looked around and saw a lot of dead bodies.

Yin: Did you do all of these? What a mess!

Ysa: I didn't have much time to clean up so I dragged all of them here inside.

Yin: Have you tried to reconnect to Gia?

Ysa: Yeah, but she didn't response.

Yin: We have to go back to our room.

Ysa: I'll be staying here to clean this mess and to erase evidence. I'll be making a new pathway so that Mr. Hanae can start moving these jewelry and stones any time he wants.

Yin: Okay then. I'll leave this to you.

I left the safe room so that I can head back our room. Along the way, I was approached by another soldier.

790: Hey 735! Gather at the fountain area. A trespasser is going to be executed in front of us.

735: A trespasser?

790: You heard it right. Now go.

I obeyed what he said. I arrived at the fountain area and someone is kneeling near the fountain facing us. I can't identify if it's a girl or a boy. His/her face was covered by a big black cloth and his/her hand were tied at the back. I can see some blood dripping from his/her body.

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