Just The Useful Ones.

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"You must be the Ace" Bassel said in a slithery tone. He bowed "I'm honored to be in your presence."

"Did you need something?" I ask.

He smirked at me "Why whatever would make you think I'm here for something? I'm here for you! It's your birthday isn't it?" I narrow my eyes at him suspiciously as he takes a champagne glass from the butler who walks by. He leans against the wall and smiled "How old are you now Ace?"

"Fifteen" I answer shortly.

He clicks his tongue "Oh wow, your reign will last forever! You'll have to invite me over when you start to throw sleep overs. I'm a wonderful story teller."

"What makes you think you'll be invited back at all?" I reply.

He mock gasps "How cold of you! You're already taking this Ace thing way too seriously!" He swirls the champagne in his glass and says "And besides, I'll be back somehow."

"You sound confident in that." I grunt as I cross my arms.

"We are cousins now" Bassel spits at me suddenly "Get used to seeing me around." He flashes a smile.

I look at the glass in his hand that he is sipping out of. "Aren't you a little too young to drink?"

"Like I care" Bassel replied as he used his pinky finger to scratch his ear. He tilted his head down and looked through his lashes. "You think my parents love me when they named me Bassel? I don't think so!" He pushed off the wall and walked over to me. "I could do whatever I want and all I have to do is say 'please'." he smiled at me "Can you do that Ace?"

"Yeah, but I don't have to say please" I remark as I turn and start to walk away.

"Oh don't be that way Cus!" Bassel cooed as he followed me.

Ugh, why is it that all youngest children are annoying little brats?

Bassel bumped into a boy and his drink spilled all over his suit.

Bassel hissed and exclaimed. "This was an expensive suit!" He yelled before turning to the boy he bumped into.

The boy had blonde hair and a dark blue suit on. On his face was an expression of panic and regret.

The boy did something with his hands very fast before he tried to wipe off Bassel's suit with his own hand.

"Ugh! Get your hands off of me!" Bassel snapped as he hit the boy's hands away. Bassel glared at the boy and scoffed "Oh! It's you!" He grinned at the boy and said "I want you to apologize"

The boy lifted his hands but Bassel swatted them away "No! I want you to say it!"

The boy looked shocked before he glared at Bassel and looked away.

Bassel laughed and pat the boy's cheek and pulled away before his hand could get swatted away.

"Keep working on it Puck! Maybe you'll surprise everyone one day!" Bassel called over his shoulder as he laughed cruelly.

I scowl at Bassel before walking over to the boy who looked to be thirteen or fourteen. Bassel had called him Puck so I'm assuming that was his name.

Puck's face was red and I thought he was crying until I saw the pure rage on his face.

"Hey" I say.

Puck's head snapped up and he settled his glare on me before realizing who he was glaring at.

His eyes widened and he stepped back before bowing.

I shake my head and frown at him "Don't bow its stupid, who are you?"
He awkwardly hesitated and looked around. "Whats wrong? Can't you talk?"

The Middle Child (The Offspring Series) Where stories live. Discover now