It was all over the news. "Child runs away from loving family!" 

It covered every newspaper, every news channel, they made posters, billboards, they really milked this for all it's got. It became so popular because there hadn't been a big crime in years. Crime was down because King Spade kept peace but no one knew that. 

But it was a crime that caught a lot of attention. I'm still not even sure exactly what they claimed the crime to be. Some posters and news channels said it was a runaway child, others said kidnapped. It was both. I was kidnapped then I ran away. A lot of people also said I was killed and tortured. There were rumors that I tried to kill Conner and Tory before I had attempted to poison my "loving" parents. 

The best part was that no one dismissed these rumors. My family really put up a big act on TV as well. They used my name as they cried and snotted all over people's shoulders. They missed me so much that it broke my mother's heart and now the only thing that brings her joy is red colored expensive presents, preferably jewels. Because apparently the red reminded her of my favorite color. My favorite color was white.

They started a go fund me page to help find me and honestly the description was SO "touching". Apparently Lloyd Silver was loved by all, the favorite child, always spoiled with gifts, always had the biggest room in the house, and they were heart broken that I had disappeared. I might have donated a penny if any of it were true in any way. 

Poor Lloyd Silver was lost, alone, and scared. Reality says otherwise. 

I would have gotten up and murdered them the first time the News Channel displayed my name on the screen but Fredrick told me to channel my anger and put it into training. 

Along with physical training I was trained mentally. Not just with studying and school, though I did a lot of that too, but with mentally straining activities. Draven was interested to find out what I was afraid of so he did tests to figure it out. I was wired to this machine and when I slept I would dream of these horrible things. Dead people, blood, sharks, monsters, terrifying creatures, murderers, psychopaths, but with every new "fear" I got over it within a few minutes. He showed the horrible side of the world to see if I would falter but to me, nothing was more haunting then my own mind. I would find ways to torture myself at the end of the day when I'm alone.

Draven still has no idea what scares me but he has concluded that I can't be scared which is good for the Spade Mafia.  

I was still boiling over the news though. I wanted to murder them where they stood. Give them something that would actually made the headlines.  My mood was rotten ever since I saw it. My family was getting all of this money, and for what? To spend it on useless junk? 

I poured into my training and could feel myself getting faster and stronger. Draven now panted to keep up with me as I strike a merciless blow after blow. Every bit of anger I had in me I used everyday on fighting. When Draven told me to take a break I just went to a punching bag to beat it to a pulp. 

I could feel Draven starting to back out. He wouldn't do hand to hand combat with me anymore. I overheard him talking to Fredrick and telling him that I was surpassing him. Fredrick seemed pleased, Flick was impressed, and Megra liked to watch me train. But I wasn't satisfied with myself. I wanted to punch out all of my anger, but no matter how hard I kicked or punched, nothing seemed to give way. I had all of this energy that seemed wasted. I'm getting impatient with myself and I know it.

My skin tears at every new thing I try and it stings, but it's nice. I hardly feel physical pain anymore so when I do, it's something to be proud of. 

I try every new fighting style I can think of. At one point Draven decided I should become immune to poison. I would take little doses at a time and then it would later ware off. I would be fine. Draven kept trying other types of torture. 

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