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Showered and dressed in warm clothing Sherlock and Teddy sat at the table watching as Cosette prepared them some food. They both couldn't help but watch in amazement- Sherlock especially- as Cosette made her way through the kitchen effortlessly. Both had offered to help twice now but Cosette had waved them away, placing two hot chocolates down in front of them before telling them to drink. Sherlock had stared down at his hot chocolate and had been surprised to find two marshmallows- both pink- floating in his mug. He couldn't believe that after all this time Cosette still remembered that he preferred pink marshmallows over white ones.

"'ere you go," Cosette said now, placing down two bowls of soup which was then followed by a plate of buttered bread to dip into their hot food. "I warmed eet up for you both. Eet was tonight's dinner. I 'ope you do not mind 'ze leftovers."

"That's fine, Cosette. As long as it's hot and tasty and food I'm a happy camper," Teddy replied with a slight sniff and a beaming smile, dipping some bread into her soup before stuffing it into her mouth. She had missed homemade food.

Cosette smiled in the direction of the younger Holmes before going back into the kitchen to prepare more food for her guests. Sherlock watched her as he ate, his eyebrows drawn in thought. Teddy noticed this and she nudged him gently.

"Why are you staring?" she said under her breath. Sherlock looked at her then back towards Cosette.

"We've been here for half an hour now and you haven't asked any questions," Sherlock said, voicing some of his thoughts. The others he planned on saving for a later date.

"I did not theenk you wanted to talk at ze moment," Cosette replied, pulling out a large knife and a chopping board.  "I thought I would let you rest tonight before asking you questions tomorrow."

"You can ask now, if you like," Teddy said. "We'll answer them all. It's the least we can do, I mean, you've been so kind letting us stay for tonight."

"And longer, eef need be," Cosette added, cutting a round chocolate cake into pieces before putting them on a plate. "Once you are finished your soup- and zere is more, eef you wish to 'ave more- zen you two can 'ave some cake. I can warm eet up eef you like and add some cream. Eet is nice like zat. Just say when you feel like 'aving some."

"Thank you," Sherlock replied. Cosette smiled, bringing over her own cup of hot chocolate and sitting down opposite the siblings, her hands feeling for the chair.

"I theenk I will take you up on your offer, Teddy," Cosette said with a shy smile, brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I must admit, eet was a surprise to not only find you two on ze doorstep but to also 'ear your voice, Sherlock. I saw ze news all zat time ago, eet  said you were dead."

"Nope, not dead," Sherlock replied.

"'ow are you not dead?"

"He faked it," Teddy answered, scooping up a spoonful of soup before popping it into her mouth. Cosette looked at Sherlock and although she could not see anything Sherlock felt as though she was staring straight into his soul.


"I... I had to die. Did the news here talk about a man named James Moriarty?"

"Yes. Zey said 'e was an actor you 'ired. Apparently 'is real name is Richard Brook-"

"Not true. No, Jim Moriarty had a plan to destroy my reputation as a Consulting Detective which he achieved. To end his story he wanted me to commit suicide. I refused, so he threatened me. He said that if I didn't three of my friends would die unless his men- men who had their snipers trained on those three people- saw me jump. To show how serious he was he killed himself so I had no way out. I jumped but I survived thanks to some early planning with the help of Mycroft and a few others."

Poison & Wine//A BBC Sherlock fanficWhere stories live. Discover now