17. Arabella🔥

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He jerks in my hand, pushes my head down his cock and i squeeze his thigh. He kept my head there. He forced my head down. it didn't feel good at all, it felt horrible quite literally.

I was coughing over his dick and he didn't even care.

He comes into my mouth, breathing heavily, his legs and stomach tensing. But finally he lets go of my head.

I don't swallow his semen like he wanted me to, instead i get up and spit it directly in his face, then storm off to the bathroom attached to the room, locking the door behind me.


I look in the mirror, my cheeks had my mascara running down them, my lips red and swollen, some of his come was still over my lips and chin, i could taste the salty residue in my mouth.

I turn the faucet the entire way so the pressure was high and lower my face to basin so i could wash it.

I wash all my makeup off, rinse my mouth out, use one of the toothbrush the penthouse had under the sink to brush my teeth.

Three knocks on the door, "Open it, Arabella." Roman shouts.

I ignore him.

Why doesn't he treat me nicely?

I just want to be treated with respect.

Is that too much to ask?

"Open up princess." Luca's voice catches my ear, "Otherwise i'm gonna have to unlock it."

I ignore him too. He and Asher watched me. They knew i didn't like it. That i was struggling. And they didn't care enough to interfere.

There was no way they didn't see that i didn't like it. It was obvious.

I close the lid over on the toilet seat and sit on it, head in my hands.

I start to cry.

I don't even know why i was crying. I'm never sensitive. I'm never this sensitive. I usually just suppress everything- and i'm not even on my period so i know full rightly it's not my hormones fucking with me.

I keep my head in my hands, silencing my cries. I keep my head down when i hear the door click, and open, and when their presence fills the bathroom.

"Get up." Roman says first. "And stop crying."

"Sorry for having fucking emotions, Roman." I stand up, meeting his eyes. He'd washed the come off his face. "God you are so pathetic."

"Come on, you can stay in my room." Asher steps out of the way.

"No. Fuck both of you too. I hate all of you." I lift my hand up, pulling the massive diamond ring off my finger, "Don't even think about giving that back to me until you've learned some fucking respect, Roman." I throw that in his face.

He doesn't even flinch.

"Would you like your mother to be treated like that?" I raise my voice, "Or any of your sisters?" I look at all of them.

They stay quiet, lowering their chins to the ground.

"Fucking pathetic." I scoff, "You wouldn't like your mother or sister to be treated as if she was shit so don't fucking treat me like it. Just because i'm your wife doesn't give you the right!" I look at Roman, "I mean it. Actually better off fucking divorce me. I can't stand your ass."

He slides his hands into his pocket, "We don't divorce."

"Well then sort your fucking shit out." I push past all of them.

And they let me go. I grab my bag and head to the exit.

I take the elevator down to the first floor and the camera people were still here. I lower my head to the ground and walk out of the building.

The driver Vincent spots me, "Ah, Mrs. Reign-"

"Call me that again and i'm going to chop off your balls and feed them to the ducks." I take Luca's phone out of my bag, probably a bad idea. "They know where i am."

"I'm afraid i can't let you leave, miss"

"Shut up." I walk away from him, calling my friend.

"Hello pretty girl, haven't heard from you in a while." Aaron says on the other line.

"Can you pick me up?" I glare at Vincent.

"I can, where are you?"

"I'll send you my address."

"Everything alright? Sound like you've been crying."

I take a breath, "I just... i need someone who cares." I says quietly.

"I'll be right there, darling. Hang tight." He hangs up.

arabella girl boss

word count: 1339

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