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HIII EVERYONE!!!! HOW ARE YOU ALL? Im SOOOO SO SO SO sorry its been MONTHS since I last updated this story 😭. I didn't mean for it to take this long but if you've seen my announcement, you know that school=stress 😰. BUT FEAR NOT AS IM BACK !!! I really hope you enjoy this chapter and updates will come soon! :)

At this point, my jaw is ON THE FLOOR.

I doubt he's talking about me. I mean, we just met.. Right?

Wait, what am I talking about? I'm not inlove I'm not inlove I'm not inlove I'm not inlove I'm not inlove I'm not inlove I'm not...

San Lang waves his palm across my face, "Earth to Mr. Xiu? Hello? Are you okay?"

I almost didn't react to him saying "Mr. Xiu" at all. I completely forgot my own fake identity! Luckily, I quickly look up and immediately play it off cool.

"Ah! Yes, so sorry about that hahaha.." I focus on the notepad in my hands and write down:

• Wants to do ballet for his future boyfriend.
- (wants to dance with that future boyfriend.)

I almost broke my pen writing the words "future boyfriend" out of anger.


I'll face it, I like the guy.

But he really does remind me of someone...?

I look back at him, "Anything else?"


"Any other prior knowledge to ballet you have?"

"Oh," he pauses for a moment, then smiles, "Nope!"

I mentally sigh, already exhausted.

"And how long do you plan to be here?" I ask.

"Until I can start to choreograph on my own."

I sigh, again.

Thinking about how much time that will take gives me migraines.

I write down on my notepad:

• No prior knowledge to ballet.
• Wants to be able to learn how to choreograph on his own.

After a few questions, I finally got to my final one.
"Last question," I say. "Have you ever participated in any sports or army related activities that could have made your body be unable to have gentle, angel-like movements?"

Hua Cheng crossed his legs and put up his arm to hold his head. This move...


I look back up at his smug face.

"Hmm.." He hums, looking at the ground. "I do play a few sports."

"I see."

My Notepad:

• Goal: Wants to do ballet for his future boyfriend.
- (wants to dance with that future boyfriend.)
• No prior knowledge to ballet.
• Wants to be able to learn how to choreograph on his own.
•Has watched a few performances before.
- (including mine!! (@⌒▽⌒@))
•Wants to play more masculine roles and dances.
•Plays a few sports.
- (side note: might have stiff movements)

Alright. Let's get to work.

(a few hours later..)

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