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Hua Cheng yelled, "Slow down Pei! It's not like were late!!"

"I want to get the BEST seats!!" Pei Ming responded

"CAN YOU SLOW DOWN A LITTLE? IF YOU GO ANY FASTER WE'RE NOT GONNA GET ANY SEATS!" He Xuan screamed while holding on to his seat belt.


"WHAT??" Pei Ming said.

And they crashed.


Im just kidding lol.. Or am I?

Pei Ming stomps on the brakes barely missing the car infront of them.

"Whew, I thought we were gonna die," He Xuan said. "I see Qi Rong's house, wait.. Who's that??"

They all looked over to the direction of Qi Rong's humble abode (not). Completely ignoring the sudden green light.

"Yea who is that? It looks like they're yelling at Qi Rong," Pei Ming said.

"He probably scared their child and now it's parents is yelling at him." Hua Cheng put out.


Pei Ming looked forward to see the greenlight and immediately went forward feeling embarrassed ignoring the side mirror to not make eye contact


"Shut up!"

A few minutes passed and they parked in front of Qi Rong's house.

They saw Qi Rong flicking the forbidden finger at a person and started walking towards the car.

"Nah nah, back away, if that guy sees us he'll aim for us next." He Xuan said.

"Good idea," Pei Ming responded.

They started getting out of the parking spot leaving Qi Rong astounded. Qi Rong stood there on the sidewalk with the look of "I'm not doing this shit again just let me in" on his face.

Everyone started laughing. Pei Ming finally choked on his breath and calmed down, "Okay okay, I'll let him in, haha.."

Pei Ming got back into the previous parking spot he was in, completely forgetting about the person Qi Rong was arguing with.

Pei Ming rolled down the window, "Get in loser."

"Fuck you," Qi Rong said as he opened the car door letting himself in.

"HEY! HEY YOU!! YOUR FRIEND STOLE MY MAIL AND CLAIMED IT WAS HIS! TELL HIM TO GIVE IT TO ME RIGHT NOW!!" A fat old man yelled running towards their car.

"STEP ON IT!" Qi Rong yelled.

"HEY! Hey! hey! Wait!.." The guys voice started quieting as they drove away.

"Okay, what the fuck," Hua Cheng commented.

"Listen okay, I didn't MEAN to steal it. Besides the mailman accidentally put MY mail in front of HIS door. An eye for an eye, you know?" Qi Rong responded to Hua Hua's comment.

"But did he return your package?" Pei Ming added.


"Thought so."

After awhile, they finally arrived where the ballet will be held in.

"I'm actually getting excited that it's scary," He Xuan said.

Pei Ming ignored his statement and continued to look for good seats while the others followed.

"It's huge in here," Hua Cheng admitted.

"Well duh, I did say it was one of his biggest performances, didn't I?" Pei Ming groaned. "Ooh, I see a good spot, let's sit over there!"

He pointed towards a spot 4 rows above the first row near the center of the stage. They went to go sit down, "We'll see Dianxia clearly here," Pei Ming added.

"Dianxia? Do you mean Xie Lian?" Hua Cheng questioned.

"Sigh, Dianxia is his stage name. It means "your highness". Pei Ming answered.

"Oh, cool," Hua Cheng commented, "Did he make that up or did his fanbase call him that?"

"Geez when were you so eager to know about Dianxia?" Qi Rong asked curiously.

"I just asked geez."

"Uh huh.." He Xuan butted in.

"Yeah, his fanbase calls him that because his performances are that of a royal crown prince. So it just became his official stage name," Pei Ming answered.

"Uh hello?" A young man with a white fan that sat beside He Xuan suddenly appeared. They never even noticed him!
A/N: Who do you think it is? 😏
Anyways, I don't have a daily schedule in which I upload in so sometimes I might be too busy to update or I update multiple chapters in a day so yeah. I don't wanna spoil anythingg butttt I just want to say that Xie Lian is definitely, definitely, one unlucky guy. :)

Pretty long chapter today because I wasn't assigned homework today 🤞
I might do another chapter today if I feel like it so watch out for those.

Sorry for the typos and incorrect spelling and grammar <33

758 words

Pirouette (discontinued!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang