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A-am I actually gay? Wait no no. I'm most likely not, right? I just think he's.. Cute, thats all. Yeah, thats all, nothing to worry about.

Speakers: Testing, testing. Yes, hello? Everyone who is here for the meet and greet, the actors are running late and we are trying our best to be as fast as we can, I hope you do not mind waiting a few moments.

Hua Cheng heard lots of groaning from the audience.


"Eh? What was that Hua Hua?" Pei Ming mentioned.

Hua Cheng gasped slightly, "What was what? I didn't do anything."

Hua Cheng talked quickly making He Xuan notice.


It was just full of confusion in the room.

Another wave of groans and complaining came as everyone waited for around half an hour and once again, Hua Cheng felt irritated for some odd reason.

"When are they coming out?? I didn't pay for this bullshit," One person said.

"Dude calm down theres kids here.." Another person replied, genuinely concerned.

Everyone looked up to a short man running towards the crowd from the side door leading to the dressing rooms.

"Finally," The same person said.

"Everyone, we're so sorry for the wait and the actors will be here very soon!" The short man yelled out, out of breath.

"Hey, it's Shi QingXuan, He Xuan. You gonna greet him orrr?" Pei Ming said.

Thats when everyone realized.


"Holyyyyy crap, he's gone isn't he," He Xuan finally blurted out after Shi QingXuan left.

"Pei go call Qi Rong, He Xuan alarm some staff members that somebody is missing, I'm gonna look around." Hua Cheng commanded quietly in order to not alarm anyone else.

"Aye aye crimson rain sought flower!" Pei Ming said.

"Crimson rain sought flower? What kind of sick name are you getting at?" He Xuan commented as he slightly giggled.

Hua Cheng blushed at the name, "Thats so cheesy, its not like I have a flower to sought for anyway. And the hell is "crimson rain"?"

He immediately thought of Xie Lian.

I mean, why wouldn't he? He's been thinking of him ever since he saw him and he hasn't even seen his real face. Wasn't he being a little too obsessive?

"Hey bozo, you gonna go look for Qi Rong or what?" He Xuan said putting on his coat so he can look for Qi Rong outside.

"Ah, right." He replied.

Hua Cheng walked off the backstage using the stairs when 2 body guards appeared in front of him.

"Where do you think your going?" One of the bodyguards said.

"I'm looking for a friend, he disappeared and I have no idea where he is, I'm really worried about him. Sir, will you please let me go?" Hua Cheng tried to act as best as he could.

"How can we be sure you won't just go barge into the dressing rooms? No one is allowed to go out. We'll take care of it." The other bodyguard said.

"Oh but he's mental, like, super mental. This morning he even stole his neighbor's mail because the mail deliverer put his package on the wrong doorstep. He might already be in the dressing room, only a friend can control him, won't you please let me go sir?" Hua Cheng almost threw up trying to say friend.

"... Should we?" One of the bodyguards asked the other.

"Fine, 20 minutes and were going out to look for you."

"Yes sir, thank you."

After walking in the halls calling out Qi Rong's name for what seemed like forever, he finally heard something.

It was coming from the men's bathroom.

Hua Cheng heard silent sobs.

Qi Rong is such a wimp.

"Qi Rong, you can come out now. The gays are gone," Hua Cheng said teasingly.

The sobs suddenly got quiet and eventually turned silent.

"Uhm, Qi Rong?" Hua Cheng knocked on the door.

What if this is some rando dude?? He might not get my humor!

"Hello? Is somebody in there?" He finally asked.

Suddenly, the door opened in which Hua Cheng was leaning on, making him almost stumble to the ground.

Out came a beautiful white clad with robes as sparkling and dazzling as any Hua Cheng had ever seen before.

Xie Lian tries to hide the fact he was crying, but a few tears dropped down and he quickly wiped them off.

"Oh hi! Oh sorry, was I taking long? You can use the bathroom now, I'm sorry," He said.

Hua Cheng was so captivated he almost forgot to reply. But when he did, what came out was bot something pleasant.

"You were crying, weren't you?"


Xie Lian started crying. He couldn't control his breathing and panicked, "What do I do? WHAT DO I DO??"

His breathing is short and quick to the point it feels like his lungs are closing, his vision starts becoming blurry.

He collapsed in Hua Cheng's arms, though was still conscious.

"Xie Lian??"

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, IT HURTS, IT HURTS, IT HURTS, WHY CAN'T I BREATHE? WHY WAS I BORN? AM I SO USELESS?" Xie Lian wanted to scream, but nothing came out.

He passes out.

Xie Lian's POV:

I awoke laying down on something comfortable. It felt warm.

I wanted time to freeze. I didn't care who I was laying on. It must've been Feng Xin or Mu Qing. Whoever it was, he wanted to stay there forever.

My eyes felt sore from crying so much.

I looked up to see a man in red. His eyes were as beautiful as red rubies and had a crimson glow.

"Are you awake, Xie Lian?" He said.

"H-huh? You're not Feng Xin or Mu Qing, are you..?"

He remembers everything in a blink of an eye and jolts up off of Hua Cheng's lap.
A/N: aaahhhhh theyve finally met havent they? i want to say a BIGGG THANKS TO @applewwx FOR MAKING THIS CHAPTER POSSIBLE! I think they're making a book too so everyone should follow them 🤩 this chapter feels a little more fullfilled because of you so thank you so much! Also I do NOT post daily uploads for all those wondering. I update when I want to 🤷‍♀️ hence my bio.

What do you guys think Jun Wu did? 😏

1,050 words

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