"Oh! I'm-I'm doing swell! How about yourself?"

I sighed, I couldn't fib.

"I'm not too swell, Logan Kundla! I've just found out the worst possible news of my entire existence! I need a plan to abolish the blasphemy that has occurred!"

"O-oh? What's going on!?"

I was about to answer before I felt a looming presence behind me, a protective arm wrapped around my waist and a gun was suddenly in Logan's face. Logan cowers in his place, his legs shaking.

"It's none of yo' fuckin business."


I suddenly pulled myself from her gasp and I ran towards Logan, hugging him. He was still taller than me, but I hugged him , trying to Shield him the best that I could. Turning to him, I gave a sad smile.

"I apologize for the whores behavior! I will see you in the mirror for schooling! And I promise that I will see you on our date!"

Logan smiled and Beyonce sent him a managing glare, she was still dangerously close to me.

"Th-Thanks Onika! I will see you later!" I nodded after him, smiling. He ran out of the door and down the street I turned to The whore.

"Why would do that!? I was speaking to Logan about a Greta price by V.C. Andrews!"

      She stared down at me, her eyes squinted as she towered over my small frame. I had to admit, even though she was a whore, she was extremely appealing to the naked eye. I felt a little heartbeat in my nether-regions, and on instinct I squeezed my thighs together.

Her deep voice resonated though the room as she spoke.

"Yo' mom sent me to come get you. Come on."

The whore basically yanked me outside to her automobile. It was like Dwayne's, but I think it was a new model. Speaking of him, he said that he didn't really care about mother getting remarried because he was grown anyways.

I sighed, I cannot wait until I reach legal adulting age. Beyonce slapped my buttox and watched it jiggle as I placed myself into the passenger side of her automobile. Putting my seatbelt on, I watched as he hopped inside and drove out of the parking lot.

She drove in silence, she must be perturbed about something. Her jaw was set and she drove with one arm, the ink on it much more noticeable as she clutched the steering wheel.  I had to correct this immediately! She is not following the rules of the road.

"Beyonce Knowles, your hands aren't at 10 and 2! This is regular protocol for driving!"

She glanced at me, silent and continued to drive with one hand on the wheel. I noticed her mannerisms while driving. Her eyes got lower and she started to look enraged.


Still silent, she drove until we pulled up into -what I summed to he her father's parking lot. She slammed on the brakes making me jolt slightly. As I racked for the handle of the door, I was yanked back, face to face with Beyoncé. Her eyes were dark and she scanned my face up and down.

Grabbing me by my neck lightly, she stared at me, making me whimper. I had no idea what was going to transpire, was I going to be executed illegally by this fiend??!

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