Interlude XXVI - Haemish, Experimentation

Start from the beginning

"Very well, I will humour you this once." Marasa smiled at Haemish, turning her head to face him as they walked. Haemish stumbled a little, that smile. Suddenly he was very aware of how close Marasa was, their arms occasionally brushing against each other, sending tingles through his arm. Should I be saying something here?

"Ahem, I spoke to your brother, Haren?" Haemish posed it as a question. The smile took on a curious edge. "He said he wished to join the Royal Guard? How is he doing?"

"Yes, what a coincidence. How do you know Haren? He hasn't mentioned you to me." Marasa asked.

"Oh, I am not surprised; we met when I had an incident at my home in the forest near Flue. An Alchemical experiment backfired. He was the palace's Runner to come and plan out repairs. He is quite the mature young man, and I am not used to seeing such maturity in one so young." Haemish said, attempting to pour all of his focus into the conversation. Away from the way Marasa's arm brushed his again.

Unsuccessfully, he was hyperaware of it.

"Well, we had to after our parents passed away, nothing else we could do. Both of us had to make things work. We were lucky; we didn't lose them as young as other's did, but it was still hard going initially. Our breakthrough was when I landed this job at the palace. Set us up for life, and now Haren has the chance to do something he deeply wants to." Marasa smiled sadly as the bittersweet memories washed over her. "If only he wanted to do something that wasn't related to killing and war." Haemish barely caught it but found he was nodding to the words.

"There are enough soldiers and warriors in this world, and more healers would be nice. Thank goodness the time of the Mad King is over and done. I understand that the wars that rampaged across the continent were something to witness."

"So I have heard, but just in whispers and old tomes in the libraries. The only person still alive from that time is the King, even the Queen came much later, and the man is not much for speaking about it."

"You have spoken to him about it?"

"Attempted to talk about it would be more accurate. No, the King said nothing more; I am curious about that time, though, and I find myself in idle moments wondering what it was like."

"I doubt it was anything good regardless." Haemish said and then, remembering their earlier topic of conversation, asked, "How is Haren's pursuit of getting into the Royal Guard going? He seemed very determined."

Marasa frowned at returning to a topic she didn't enjoy but brightened as she spoke. "They had trials a few days ago; it seems he didn't make it in, but they hold trials twice a year, so he is not dissuaded, just delayed."

Haemish chuckled before replying, "You seem very happy about your brother not achieving his dream."

"I want him to have everything he wants, just can't he want something less violent?" she repeated. "I had hoped he would join me here, a healer in the clinic, and I even taught him some of the lower level Spells I know for healing." She breathed out a sigh, resigned. "Oh well, we can't get everything we want, can we?"

"Can't we?" Haemish asked.

"Not at the expense of what others wish, I would not call that a victory by any means."

"No, I suppose I feel the same way in that case. I suppose he will have a chance to get into the guard next time if he is still passionate."

"Trust me, that man-child plans to try again and the next opportunity; if anything, it has only increased his determination to get in. He was a little guarded about it with me as he knows that I do not fully approve, but I think he learned many new combat skills while there. He said it would 'smooth his path to victory the next time." Marasa's frown lightened, "I pray to Ukupanipo that he doesn't get in too quickly or changes his mind."

"I apologise for bringing up the topic," Haemish said sombrely. He had only wanted to make conversation, and her brother had seemed like a good choice. Him and big mouth, he sighed.

"No, not at all, Haemish. I am enjoying talking to you. Sometimes those difficult topics need to be discussed, and for some reason, I feel okay talking to you about them. Comfortable even." She smiled at Haemish again.

"Oh, we missed the turning!" Haemish said as he backtracked a little to get to the alchemical lab. "I must have lost myself in the conversation!" he joked.

"If you did, then I did as well! After all, I know where the lab is." Marasa admitted. Haemish's heart might have been pounding before; now, it was thundering in his chest. She had to be able to hear it with her skills, and Haemish's cheeks flushed thankfully on his tanned skin. It was not so visible, but people had in the palace with the Perception that hardly counted for much.

"Thank you for your grace, Marasa," Haemish said, inclining his head to her and then welcoming her into the lab with an arm gesture. He entered immediately after almost bowling into the woman who had stopped abruptly at the door and let out a yell.


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