His all hopes and dreams shattered that night. He couldn't sleep all night and just cried. Cried for the last time for their parents love.


14 years old Zayn walked in the house with busted lips and bruised cheek with Zack trailing behind him. Zayn was continuously bitching about the guy he fought with in school because that guy said shit about Zack. Zack silently listen to his every word with full focus. Zayn is an extrovert. He laughs and talks to everyone but the only person he is opened up to is Zack. Zack is an introvert like before so the brothers still stick together to each other 24/7. There is no thing called privacy and personal space in between them and they don't mind that.

They stopped on staircase as they heard their mom called them. Zayn scoffed and his face expressions turn bitter at the thought of seeing his mother even though It's been a month since the last time they saw her. they made their way into kitchen. A smile made its way on their lips as they saw their grandfather standing there.

"Grandpa" they said in unison with a bright smile on their faces

"How are you, my boys?" Thomas opened his arms for hug

They both hugged their grandfather. They were happy to see their grandfather after such a long time.

"He is going to stay with us from now on" Mrs Carver said

They both were happy to hear that. Thomas is the only relative they like. They thought things would get better now that they have someone who cares about them except each other.

But fate had different plans....

Things were going good for 4 months after Thomas came but slowly they started to change. Zayn noticed how Zack is getting more closed off, how he is distancing himself from Zayn and his weird behavior in front of Thomas. Zayn didn't say anything at first. He thought he was just overthinking until that day...

"Zack! Zack! Zack! Zack" Zayn continuously knocked on Zack's bedroom door

Thomas opened the door and looked down at Zayn with serious look. He was kinda shocked to see that look on Thomas's face because his grandpa is so sweet and always smiling.

"What do you want?" It was clear in Thomas's tone that he was irritated

"Umm... Where is Zack?" Zayn tried to peak inside room but Thomas blocked his view

"I am helping him with maths problem. You both can play later" with that Thomas closed the door before Zayn could say anything

The distance between both brothers grew day by day. Zayn noticed how Zack is either alone in his room or with Thomas and how less time he spends with him. Zayn noticed how scared and sad he looks all the time. So he decided to confront him.

"please tell me what's wrong. We are brothers. We will solve it together" Zayn pleaded

"Nothing is wrong" Zack fidget with his fingers

"You are changed. For last two months, you are either in your room alone or with grandpa. You rarely spends time with me. You looks sad and tired all the time. Is grandpa hurting you?" Zayn asked. Zayn is maybe childish and easy to provoke but he observes everything.

"N-n-no" Zack shuttered

"You are lying. You shutter when you lie" Zayn pointed out

"Why are you being so nosy! Just mind your own business!" Zack yelled. Zayn was hurt my his words but he focused on Zack, ignoring his own pain

"It's lonely without you. Don't push me away" he said in small voice, tears build up in his eyes. The last time he cried was when he get to know he was an unwanted child.

Zack felt guilty for making Zayn cry but he had to push him away. He don't have any other choice.

"I don't care! You are so annoying. It's irritating how you stick to me 24/7. I am tired of seeing your ugly face all the time. Just leave me the fuck alone" Zack yelled and left the room, slamming the door behind him harshly

Zack's every word was like a knife, stabbing straight in his heart. Zayn cried all night. That was the first time he cried and his brother was not there to hold him. Even though he was hurt by Zack's words, he knew Zack didn't really mean them. He knew Thomas had something to do with it.

"Even though you won't tell me, I will still protect you"

From next day Zayn stick to Zack all the time. Even when Zack would yell and told him to get lost, he won't leave him alone with Thomas. Even when Thomas told him to leave, he would find a excuse to stay. He start sleeping in Zack's room like they used to do before Thomas came to stay. Things continued like this for 2 months. Thomas was getting furious and impatient. Zayn's suspicion on Thomas got proven right when Zach started smiling again. Zack still haven't told him what Thomas did but Zayn had to know to keep Zack save in future. He was running out of excuses.


It's not edited

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