Lᴏᴠᴇ Lᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ 14

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Author's POV

He stares at the last letter. The one where she said she's learning not to care anymore. He closes the envelope and places it in his memory box. He knows he screwed up, but he doesn't know how to fix it. He misses her. He wants her to call again, he's tried calling her, but she blocked his number. She blocked him on social media, he has no way to contact her and apologize for her.

He has her address, but he assumes that he's no longer invited. Why should he be? He let her down. So down that she feels hurt. He should've contacted her, let her know e couldn't come. Actually, it's not that he couldn't go. He just didn't want to. There's no reason why, he just didn't want to. It's been so long since he last saw her, it would be awkward. He knows that he's a coward. He regrets it.

Then he makes the decision, to see her. To go to her. To apologize and to take her back. To make her his. To finally confess his feelings for her. Ever since grade seven, he's liked her. He's going to fix it, he's going to make her his.

2 hours later. Approximately midnight.

He knocks on the door to the apartment. He assumes no one will answer. Surprisingly enough, there's an answer.

"Why the f-, holy shit! Your V. Wha-?"

"I'm here to see Minyoung." he says the awestruck girl.

"Oh, ok. Well, she's sleeping right now. You can come in and chill with me if you want."

"No thank you. I'm really just here to see her. Maybe another time." he's brutally honest to her as he side steps her and walks into the apartment. He glances in the open bedrooms and sees her sleeping on her bed. He walks over to her bed and just stares at her. At how beautiful she's become. She's in a big shirt that says, "too young to be sad", and the black sweatpants with a white Nike logo on them. Her face is so peaceful. He raises his hand and lightly grazes it across her cheek. She stirs as he quickly pulls his hand away.

"Minyoung-ah," he whispers, "I made it, and I'm so sorry that I didn't come, I feel horrible. I've missed you so much, and you've grown up into this amazing. I miss being your best friend."

He walks to the end of the bed and sits down. There are tears forming and they slowly trickle down his face. He sniffs and wipes his sleeve across his nose and eyes.

"I'm sorry."

He stands up and walks out of the room. Standing in the doorway, he glances at her one last time. When he walks into the living room, his eyes are still red and he's still snuffling. Murmuring to himself as he walks out of the apartment.

He hails a taxi and is driven back to his dorm and walks into the apartment after punching the code in and unlocking the door.

"What a great night," he says to himself. 

A//N: Guys, so my favourite singer just came out with a new song. Tate Mcrae 'chaotic'. Crying, I'm crying. It's such a good song. Listen to it below:

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