Part 1

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"" "Are you okay?!"
"Olivia... I'm scared"
"Leo listen to me... everything will be fine"
"KIDS RUN!!" -Silence-
"Olivia don't, there could be something down there"
"Leo we have to, come on, I'll protect you"
The stairs creaked as Olivia and Leo walk down to their parents bedroom.
Sounds of slurping and eating came clear to the ears.
Olivia peaked her head around the corner, to find a horror sight only seen in gruesome horror movies...
Olivia screamed to the top of her lungs.
The thing looked up, covered in fresh, red blood and flashed its big teeth.
Olivia slammed the door shut, grabbed Leo by the wrist and sprinted out the front door.
Olivia and Leo were never heard from again.... Until....

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