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"What are you waiting for? I know you can't resist me." Ro is straightly looking at her doorway. Clayton walks up to the living room and leaned at her couch. They are both looking at each other while Ro is sitting at her workplace in the living room.

"W-what do you want me to do?" he grinned. "Respond. The fact that I drunk texted you, it has to mean something my love." He pressed his fingers into his lips. Ro remembered the kiss...

She shakes her head left and right as if it will make him go away. It has been days since he texted her. She has no idea how to react but today, "Alright, let's respond." She decided to tease Clayton.

Later on, she realized. It's been days since he texted it. DAYS. He might have thought that she cannot stop thinking about his messages. What the actual f*ck?

Ro threw her phone on the couch and went to her room, flew in the bed and screamed at her pillow.

Did I just got convince by the imagery of that guy?

For the whole afternoon, Ro spent her time with her remaining projects. Stephen went by to visit her and he brought salted caramel iced capp and a dozen of sea salt caramel donuts.

"What divine intervention coalesce onto you to bring me these?" she walks up to her and grabs the goodies Stephen brought. They went to the kitchen to serve the food.

"Nothing." He smiled. "What were you doing up there?" she munched the donuts. "Just random paper works. And I'm kind of working on my response to Ms. Bria's email."

He congratulated her. "Outlook is also taking me in. As they should girl." Stephen laughed, while Ro looked away. He asked her what's wrong but she shrugged and said nothing.

"You can't lie with me Ro. What happened?" she hesitated to tell her best friend. But Stephen forced her to confess.

"He drunk texted me. Then I replied."

"What's wrong with that?" he asked. Ro closed her laptop and went to the living room where Stephen enjoys his donut.

"I replied after a few days when he texted." Stephen just looked at her, dumbfounded with what she said. And later on, he laughed enormously.

"Stop it! I know I f*cked up!" Stephen still laughed. "Why would you-

He laughed again. Ro grabbed the pillow beside her and threw onto her best friend. No effect, great.

"Are you thinking about him?" she didn't respond right away.

"Wait- you're hots for him! Ro oh my God!" Ro refused to admit the truth to Stephen. Cause no, it's impossibly impossible.

Later on, he didn't stop teasing her. Every day that he visited he brought her food that she believes is a payment for teasing her with Clayton. Speaking of the devil, he didn't respond.

"I don't want your chestnut praline latte."

"How about caramel brulée latte?" he lifted the cup he's holding. Stephen was about to walk in but Ro lifts her hand, signaling him to stop. Ever since he came, he hasn't entered yet because Ro has been stopping him. Stay there.

"Stop pestering me with Clayton. We broke up weeks ago." Stephen laughed. "Broke up, as if you've become a real couple."

"Why don't you try him Ro? He's a nice guy and you haven't dated for a while. Who knows, he may help you lessen your grumpiness." She rolled her eyes and went to her room.

Stephen entered and followed her onto her room.

"Here. You might want this. I won't bother you working. Promise." Stephen left the drink in her side table, then he left the room. He'll be at the living room he said. It's Caramel Bruleé Crème Frappuccino.

Dinner came, when she came out of her room, the whole place was filled with delicious fragrance. With a whiff she guessed he ordered but when Ro take a step onto the kitchen, her best friend is preparing a spam musubi.

"You like what I'm doing?" she expressed her happiness, smiled and nodded.

Then, her mom texted.


Dinner next weekend.

She asked what is the occasion.

We'll meet Robert's girlfriend.

"I have another dinner." Stephen takes a glimpse on her. "What occasion?"

"Robert's girlfriend which I don't have any idea who. Based from what I know that only girl he gets involved is the one I told you about. The girl he brought here on this apartment. But that was years ago."

"Perhaps that's still her..." she whispered.

"Does that mean she's also the best friend?" she looked at her. Why didn't I think of that?

Ro texted her brother Ronald, and asked him about the girl who lived with Robert, she knows that it's a hearsay but what are the odds.


I don't know her name but something with V?

Victoria? Idk.

Ro showed the text message to her best friend.

"It might be the reason why he accepted the deal to be my pretend boyfriend."

"You don't know that Ro."

"What could be it? Don't you notice how willing he is? And what's in it for him in the first place?"

"To date you."


"Alright I'll ask him again for dinner. I'm sure he'll come since V is coming."

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