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Something in you needed to know what was before that.

"What were they arguing about," you muttered, putting a finger on your chin.

--- "We can't tell her yet, she's not ready!"

"But she'll learn one day that we're not her parents!" ---

Your eyes widened and another memory flashed in front of your eyes. It was how you first met Glacier. You sang her the lullaby you remembered well... from your mother singing it to you. But when you tried to remember the face of your mother, you couldn't. Then you realized that the woman who you knew as your mother had never sang it to you. It was from before that.

"Come on," you groaned quietly, your brain working overtime.

That's when it hit you, many pictures at once flashing in front of your eyes. You were not a berkian. You never had been. And, opposing what you had always thought, you had siblings. Two of them, in fact.


"What's wrong with you?" Dagur asked, waving a hand in front of your face. You had blankly been staring into space.

"I think the girl realized now," Rieker grinned evilly.

"Realized what?" Dagur asked, agitated.

"Come on, when you look at her, doesn't she remind you of someone. If I could see it, you should too," Rieker sighed.

Dagur's eyes bore into yours and then darted to Heather who he saw behind you. Then he, too, seemed to remember. "Heather," he muttered, "I think we need to have a talk."

Your eyes followed them as they went to a corner to talk a bit. Every now and then, they glanced back at you. You sighed.

"Well then, sister," Dagur cheered, turning to you. "We have decided to welcome you to the family with open arms!"

The Journey - Book 8 (RTTE X OCish Reader) /DISCONTINUED/Where stories live. Discover now