Since that day my father came to our house, the atmosphere within Bangtan had become slightly more tense.

My father never decided to pay visit, instead he sent one or two men every now, and then who'd either ask for me to go back or forcefully try to.

But everytime they did, we'd easily beat the crap out of them. However, Hoseok and Jimin were badly injured the first day we met my father and his mafia which led them to have long term injuries. I'm glad that they were ok or else I wouldn't have forgiven myself. Hoseok had a broken leg whereas Jimin had fractured his arm. Seokjin reassured us that they'd heal fully after a couple of months so we shouldn't have to worry.

Things with Jimin also became normal again, he told me about his and Jungkook's backstory, like why Jungkook was hiding things from me to how he likes me from past 1 year. Jimin made me realise about my feelings and I decided to confess to him really soon.

Things between me and Jungkook was going on like a little bit awkward as he still haven't confessed about his feelings or maybe he did..

Just give me a few more time and I'll do it Jeon jungkook..


"Let's head down."

Jimin nodded and we walked to the meeting room.

Everyone was already sat down. I sat between Taehyung and Seokjin before paying full attention to Namjoon.

"As you know already Naina's father,
Yong-Hae is after Naina to secure the boss position of his association." Namjoon addressed.

"What are we gonna do about him?" Jimin asked.

"Well clearly he's not going to settle this situation without violence being involved so we'd have to kill him off." Namjoon replied.

Everyone turned their heads to look at me.

"Don't worry about me, we'll move on with the plan." I said bluntly.

"Naina and I along with my father discussed about this already and and we agreed that killing him off would be the best option." Namjoon said, gesturing towards me.

"However, we won't be able to kill him straightforwardly. Yong-Hae will definitely have many plans for when we do ambush them." Namjoon sighed.

"So when and how will we attack them?" Yoongi asked.

"Well we're going wait for his move, then we'll play ours." Seokjin replied.

"How can we sure that he'll move further?" Jungkook asked.

"Yong-Hae isn't that patient type, i'm actually surprised that he hasn't showed up yet during the three months. Eventually, he's planning something big and we'll wait and prepare for however it'll be." Namjoon explained.

We all nodded as Namjoon further explained the plan that we'd put to action.

"I hope you all understood what we're going to do." Namjoon said before ending the meeting.


Everyone left the room however Namjoon asked me to stay.

As I watched the guys scramble up the stairs, Namjoon approached me.

"Let's go." He held my hands.

We walked to wherever we were going in complete silence until we stopped at the door near.. Namjoon's office.

"What's in here?" I asked.
I never really go near his office so i'd never see what was behind the mysterious doors that stood nearby the office.

"You'll see." He grinned showing off those little dimples.

In the center of the room, a table tennis court stood proudly. There were few beanbag chairs, a vending machine and a projector pointing towards  the only plain wall in the room.

The other walls were covered with papers on papers pinned onto the walls. There were a few photos stuck around as well. Though I don't know what exactly they were showing.

"What's all this?" I asked strolling around the room.

"It's where I come when I feel stressed." He replied.

"What about all the papers?" I asked peering over at a few and skimmed through them.

"I pin papers about various subject on the wall, like info on other mafias or plans, that sort of stuff." He replied crouching down and picking up a sheet of paper.

"So what am I doing here?" I asked turning to face him.

"I'll explain as we play." He pointed at the table tennis course.

I threw the ball up and slammed it down onto the opposite side scoring me a point.

"How are you so good at this?" Namjoon bellowed pushing his hair back.

"Who knows? Maybe I was just born talented." I scoffed.

Namjoon laughed as he hit the ball back which I hit back slightly missing the other side.

"Finally I got a point!" Namjoon yelled punching the air.

"Cut to the chase Joon, what did you want to talk about?" I asked catching the flying ball in my hand.

"Its about our discussion before, about you becoming the new boss of your father's mafia." He sighed.

"Oh well what about it?"

"Are you sure you're confident enough to rule over a mafia association, specially as big as Yong-Hae's?" He asked worriedly.

"Well to be fully honest with you, I don't exactly know how to feel..I mean I've only been in this mafia game less than a year and suddenly becoming a boss is quite too much to handle."

"I agree it's a lot to handle, however we need you to be the boss after we kill Yong-Hae. If not, there's going to be a huge problem waiting for us after that." Namjoon explained as he placed his hands on his hips.

"And that's why I've convinced myself that I can do it as long as I have you all I can, and I know for sure that you'd shape me into a good boss as well." I smiled.

"It seems you know me well." He replied.

"Ofcourse I do.. I know a lot about all of you."

"Well then, we'll continue discussing the plan of your takeover afterwards." He chuckled.

As I left the room, Namjoon suddenly called my name.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I have another mission for you to go on." He responded.

"What is it about?"

"It's an assassination plan, to murder the chairman of a corporation."

"Who's going to come else?"

"Yh..Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook will join you." Namjoon replied firmly.

I nodded and left the room.

A time skip!? Bet you didn't see it coming!!  I wanted to speed up the story so skipping 3 months would make it possible :)

Will Naina be able to confess to Jungkook or something bad will show up?

~Stay tuned

~Stay tuned

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