Stewart: "If you wish for fresh water, you have a bottle at your disposal."

Lexi: "Oh, thank you!"

I see him setting something on his sat nav.

Lexi: "I live at..."

Stewart: "Yes, I know."


How come he knows?... I don't remember giving it to him. Is Carter that far-sighted?

The speakers play pleasant music. A piece by Jamie Cullum. Stewart has taste.

Lexi: "I love Jamie Cullum... Do you like jazz?"

Stewart glances at me in the rearview mirror.

Stewart: "Yes, I find it soothing..."

Lexi: "Oh..."

I'd like to ask him what he thinks of his boss... What he's like with him... What his secrets are... But Stewart is anything but a talker.

Lexi: "You know the streets of New York like the back of your hand then!"

Stewart: "Traffic-wise, it's quite a smooth city once you understand how it works."

Lexi: "Are you from here?"

Stewart: "No, I come from Ohio."

He has a pleasant voice. Everything about him seems controlled.

Lexi: "Have you always worked as a chauffeur?"

Stewart: "No, I used to be in the army."

I stay silent, my eyes staring into the distance. Between Carter and his chauffeur, something tells me there's a lot to be discovered...


As I get into my apartment I go to see Mr. Diggels. I thought I'd find it wriggling about but, on the contrary, it's curled up in a ball sleeping.

I collapse onto the sofa and close my eyes. Today was exhausting!

Little by little my mind drifts to the interview with Ryan...


Mister Carter: "What did you learn from it, Miss Mitchell?"

Carter is staring at me, holding a cocktail glass.

I look around and realize that we're on the rooftops, outside.

It's night-time... A gentle breeze is dancing in my hair. From below rises, the sound of city traffic.

Lexi: "That you most likely wanted to impress me."

Mister Carter: "I learned something myself, tonight..."

His enigmatic tone pushes me to stay quiet.

Carter slips a hand behind my neck, pressing me to kiss him.

My heart skips a beat! His hot lips taste of whiskey. The sensation is mind-blowing, voluptuous, soft, stirring.

My whole body seems to be vibrating under his touch. As I open my eyes, we're in the Limousine.

Stewart: "We'll be arriving at yours shortly, sir."

What?! But, what the...?

Mister Carter: "What if I made you lose control?"

Gently, he slides his hands over my body making me topple against the back seat.

He lies down beside me and caresses every inch of my skin. The feeling is delicious as if I'd already felt this before.

As If I was wanting more.

The feeling is far too sweet for me to keep struggling. I just want to feel his hands and his breath on me.

Stewart's presence in the front seat doesn't bother me one bit. It even excites me...

I'm hot, so very hot! Flames seem to be dancing around me.

They're closing in on me, going faster and faster!


I wake with a start! I'm soaked from head to toe. My back is damp and my heart is pounding.

I grimace as I sit up. My back and my neck hurt... I realize that I fell asleep on my sofa!

What was that dream?!

I feel terribly excited! I should go and take a cold shower to try and cool the fire that's burning inside me!

Lexi: "Lexi... You're out of your mind!!"

The good news is that it was only a dream. Which means that I haven't done anything wrong!

And it was really, very pleasant...

I just hope that Carter won't ask me if I had a good night, tomorrow morning...

If you have any wishes/suggestions for improvement, feel free to write them in the comments. If there are any grammatical or spelling mistakes, please point them out <3
Stay tuned for the next part :-)

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