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Remember my question, What are we going to do?, yea that has been awnsered. This morning we received a radio call from Marcus. He informed us of a miracle, they found a bunker in the temple floor. When I heard the news from Abby I ran to retreive my things from my room and we left not ten minutes later. Emori, Raven and Murphy stayed behind to scavence the place for useful tech in the bunker. Now were in the truck on our way to Polis once again.

Roan doesnt seem excited to returning to his duties as king but I know he started to miss the familaraty of Polis and the routine. I sit beside Roan with our hands clasped together tightly.

"When we get to Polis, you do not leave my sight." Roan says to me.

"You dont leave mine." He gives me an uneasy look. "What is it?"

"Going back to Polis seems like a worse idea the closer we get." Roan admits.


"I dont know, just a gut feeling."

"What do you want to do?"

"Nothing, well go to Polis, secure the bunker then live out the rest of our days underground."

"From the sky to the dirt, great." I say.

The Rover skids to a stop and powers off. Roan doesnt hesitate to hop out, offering me his hand. I reach for it when Abby interupts.

"Can I talk to you girls for a moment, please?" Abby asks clarke and I.

"Of course, well catch up." I say.

Clarke and I sit back down. I watch Roan dissapear through the trees and my stomach churns.

"What is it, Abby?" I ask

"Theres something I didnt tell you both. Indra was with then when they found the bunker."

"Trikru knows?" Clarke asks.

"Yes, we made a deal with them to share the space." Abby confirms.

"What about our deal with Roan?" I ask.

"Trikru would rather go to war then live with Azgeda."

"Roan is my friend, mom. Our ally."

"Not anymore." Abby says.

"Their gonna kill him." I realize.

I throw myself from the truck. My feet land hard on the slick earth covered with snow. I burst through the brush and ignore Abby's calls.

"Roan, Kane no!" I yell.

Roan turns and draws his sword just as Trikru warrior march from the tree line. Clarke and Abby stand at my side. I press myself to get to Roan but hey hold me back, granted I don't really fight, i know it will only make it worse for Roan and me.

"Trikru." Roan hisses. "What is this?"

Arrows fly from the forest, dropping Trikru solders one by one. Azgeda arrows protrude from the warriors bodies. The Azgeda warriors step our from the opposite end of the clearing with their bows drawn. I am knocked to the ground and quickly restrained.

"Roan?" I guestion, just before a gag is secured around my head.

"Welcome back to polis, My King." Ekko steps into the clearing.

Roan casts me a long glance, betrayal in his eyes. I violently shake my head and wish I would have listened to Roan's predictions beforehand. We could have left, no war, no king, no Wanheda. I curse myself as I am dragged along by the solders. My regret list is cut short as we are lead into Polis. Roan orders me be brought to him and when I enter he and Ekko speak.

My Warrior || Roan X OCWhere stories live. Discover now