The Tinder Box

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A bag is thrown over my head and Chains holding my wrists and forearms closer. My shoulders ache as they tug against one another in attempts to loosen the uncomfortable binds. Megan is clasped around my neck to guide me forward. Gloves are placed over my hands and a gag in my mouth. I gnaw at the fabric between my teeth to distract myself from the aching in my shoulders. The blood at my brow has dried and pulls my skin tight.

Suddenly the chain behind me pulls my arms taught as Ekko orders us to stop and I wince, stopping.My feet shuffle nervously back and forth as I listen carefully. Men behind the lines repeat the order till the entire army goes quiet and the only shuffling of feet i hear is my own. I hear Roan muttering quietly but i cant make out his words.

"We need to talk." Clarke's voice echoes around me and a small spark of hope arises.

"It's a little late for that." Roan calls back. "Archers, Target Clarke Griffin."

I hear the Archers' bow strings tighten and steady as they aim. Something scares them or something because the army begins shuffling and their bows slice against the air as they whip back and forth.

"Bring the prisoners." Ekko orders.

The chain on my neck is tugged hard and I stumble forward. They lead me blindly and the uneven ground causes my steps to be cautious. I am shoved to the ground and blinded as the bag is ripped from my head. We are in a gorge, my eyes dart around and find snipers at the top, all their lasers pointing towards Roan's chest. I find Clarke's gaze panicked and a poor display or attempted composure.

"Your move, Clarke." Roan says.

I blade hovers under my chin and I lift my chin and compose my features. My posture is already perfect because of my chains holding my hands behind my back and elbows pressed as close together as possible.

"Ten minutes, thats all i ask." Clarke says.

I hear Roan slide from his horse and Clarke turns to walk farther into the Gorge.

"Wait. Where is she going?" Ekko asks. "What if its a trap."

Roan turns and avoids my stony gaze as he speaks to Ekko.

"It is a trap. We're already in it."

As Roan walks away, slowly the green layers click off. One continues to target him untill he catches up to Clarke. I watch his large frame disappear behind the rocks and clench my jaw.

"The king is clear. Archers, the first gunshot you hear, loose your arrows." Ekko orders and bowstrings are drawn. "Infantry, on my command, scatter and climb. Kill till there's no one left."

"This is insane, they knew you were coming." Markus states. "We have thousands of rounds. You'll be the ones with no one left."

"Then lets hope no one shoots."

I partially tune out their conversation as my mind goes numb. No thoughts fill my head but betrayal and loss. Today I lost Octavia, I lost Roan, and i might loose everyone else, including Monty, Clarke, jasper, Abby, Marcus, and Bellamy. My gaze fixates on a point in the distance and Bellamys whisper catches my attention.

"She's alive." I turn my head and he looks at my confused expression. "Octavia, she survived and warned them."

Hope swells in my chest. My eyes flick to Ekko who watches the snipers carefully, daring them to fire. I see a dark figure stumbling from the side of the gorge. Ekko sees it too and has him brought closer. It's Monty. He's thrown in front of us and Bellamy and Marcus help him to his knees. I would but ya know, arms kind behind my back.

"Is Octavia alive?" Bellamy asks him.

Monty sharply nods and my chest swells with warmth.

"Speak." Ekko orders him.

"One of our people has moved out of formation. I have reason to believe he's trying to kill your king."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Why do you think?" I ask. "We don't want this war, or this blood bath which is what it will be if our fires upon the king."

"Who is it?" Marcus asks him

"Riley." Monty awnsers

"Riley, he shouldn't even be here." Bellamy says

"I thought Riley was dead." I say, confused.

"You've missed a few meetings." Marcus says.

"Ya no shit." I sigh.

"You and you with me." Ekko orders as she grabs her gear from her horse. "Let's go."

"Wait." Marcus yells. "If our snipers see archers on the move, they'll open fire. Tell her."

"Those were our orders." Monty confirms.

"I will not allow my king to be assasinated."

"He doesnt have to be. I know Riley, let me come with you. I can stop him."

"Do you think me a fool, Bellamy?"

"I do." I mutter, Ekko gives me a sharp scoul.

"You'll be a dead fool if you step out of this kill box without me." Bellamy reasons. "Use monty's radio and let me tell them were working together to find Riley. They'll let us pass."

A guard tosses Ekko the radio and Ekko hands it to Marcus.

"This is Chancellor Kane."

Marcus informs them of our plan and the predicament. When he's finished Ekko snatches the radio from his hands and clips it to her belt. She orders Bellamy to be unchained and replaces him with Monty.

"If I'm not back before the sun goes past the trees, kill the hostages." Ekko orders.

There is too much waiting. The gorge is quiet and full of tension. We have guns and bows aimed in out direction from all directions. If we speak we earn the hilt of a sword to our temple, i learned that the hard way. I watch the shadows of the trees grow, with them grows my anxiety. The solders grow restless and shuffle their feet. I turn my head to see the sun nearly behind the trees. A yell erupts from a few of the Azgeda solders and my stomach drops untill I listen.

Roan, Clarke, bellamy, Ekko, and Riley run towards us. Roan orders our release and we begin walking again. I quickly embrace Clarke and she urges me to walk faster.

"Whats going on?"

"Arcadia, somethings wrong." Clarke points to a large plume of smoke in the sky.

"What happened with Roan?" I ask.

"We're sharing the ship. Half and half."


"Yes, and he wants you on it."

I look back at roan to find him watching me intently. We walk as fast as we can and reach Arcadia and find it engulfed in fire. We reach the gates and a strangled breath forces its way from my lungs. Arcadia is burning, i guess the nightblood are our only plan. Bellamy mutters something about Octavia and finding her. I scan the crowds and see Niylah and Octavia being carried out by a man. I run to Niylah and Octavia. Bellamy carries Octavia and The man sets Niylah on the ground beside me.

"Niylah, what are you doing here?"

"Drying meat for your friends." Niylah says.

Niylah wraps her arms around my shoulders and I hug her back without question. Niylah is a sister now, she helped me when i needed it and she's helping my people now. She releases me and Clarke comes over to check up on her.

"Niylah has been doing another to help us."

"That's Niylah." I smile.

My joy is interrupted by the Ark exploding. Small explosions travel up the ship. The metal groans loudly and I cant help but feel a sort of grief as the Ark colapses into the trees behind it. Nylah rests a hand on mine and Clarke's shoulder as she sits between us. Ive lived my entire life on that ship, wishing I would one day be able to destroy the memores inside it along with the ship. Not what its gone my chest aches. That was to be our salvation if plan A didnt work which it most likely wont. Skaikru will greive our home tonight, and in the morning we plan again.

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