Watch the thrones

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The morning begins with a meeting. The twelve clans ambassadors seated in the throne room. Clarke stands beside my chair. Roan kneels on the pedestal beside me. I do my best to not steal glances at the man on his knees but my efforts haven't proven very effective. When i look over at him he either stares at me or avoids my gaze. I understand, he feels betrayed. I told him Lexa would be dead by last night and yet here she stands and here i sit, a member of the coilition. For my people. I think over and over again.

"Ambassadors of the Coilition, today we honor our covenant. The clan that stands against one of us stands against us all."

"Bring in the accused." The priest orders.

Walking in the throne room in chains is no other than the Ice Queen herself. And literal ice queen not just a frigid bitch.

"Queen Nia of Azgeda has confessed to the destruction of mount weather resulting in the death of 49 members of Skaikru." I watch the woman grin. "Wanheda what say you?"

"Skaikru demand justice for those lost." I say darkly.

"Ice nation does not awnser to this girl." Nia says.

"Silence." The priest demands. "The punishment for your crime is death. Do you have anything to say in your defense."

"I need no defense. She does." Nia smirks. "Today is judgement day, I call for a vote of no confidence."

"Take this queen to meet her fate." The priest orders.

"Not so fast. Commander no longer" a member of the coilition yells.

"Commander no longer." Two others stand and repeat.

"Hold on." The ice queen orders.

"Lexa, please, execute these traitors."

"Let her make her move." Lexa orders.

More than half of the coilition stand and mutter 'commander no longer'.

"Commander what is this?" Clarke asks.

"This is a Coup." Lexa says darkly

"This is the Law, her law." Nia stands.

"A unanimous vote of the ambassadors or death are all that can remove a commander from power."

"It's not unanimous." Clarke protests.

"We don't recognize the legitimacy of Skaikru."

"We do." The priest says. "Yesterday, skaikru took the brand. They are the thirteenth clan. This vote of no confidence fails. All these coup plotters will suffer the exact same fate as the ice queen."

"She wont take our heads because she knows our armies will retaliate. None of us here want war."

"We both know what you want, Nia." Lexa walks to Nia. "If you think me unfit to command, issue the challenge and lets get on with it."

"Very well, you are challenged."

"And I accept your challenge."

"So be it." The priest announces. "Single combat. Warrior agains warrior. To the death. Nia of Azgeda, choose your contender."

"My son Roan, prince of Azgeda."

"Commander who will fight for you?"

My stomach drops when Lexa looks to me.

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