Reverse instilation Part 1

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The failure of recuting luna burns a hole fresh in my mind. Too many disappointments lately. Roan dissaparing right after he kissed me leaves me wounded but I push the ache away. Luna's rejection is our top priority at the moment. We have to find another nightblood or we will be dead within the year. I sigh and sit beside Jasper on the hood of our rover while Bellamy checks the battery and Clarke paces. Covariant just stands still and caclulating as always.

"Reavers almost charged, we need to pack up. Well be home soon."

'Then what? Run away?" Clarke challenges.

"We're not running away, Clarke. We need to regroup with the others and find another way to defeat-"

"There is no other way, we need to find a nightblood." Clarke yells. "We need to unlock the flame. It's the only way to stop Allie."

I flop back on the windshield of the Rover and tug my jacket tighter around my shoulders.

"What do you expect us to do, Clarke?" Jasper jabs.

"We're not going to raid villages in search of a nightblood to revive your girlfriends spirit." I jab, my mouth spitting thoughts before thinking. I bolt upright to see Clark staring with a death glare at me "Clarke, I-"

"Lexa is not going to be revived and I know that."

"Good." I sigh.

"Don't be a bitch just because Roan left you without a goodbye." My chest burns with anger.

"Your angry, both of you are." Bellamy interrupts us.

"Fine. If we don't find a nightblood there wont be anymore grounder villages to search in and there wont be a home for us to go back to." Clarke seethes.

"That's all the more reason we go there and make sure our friends are okay." Bellamy says calmly, as though he talks to a child.

Clarke looks at each one of us in turn. Her sad expression turn to one of betrayal before she storms off into the woods. I give Bellamy a small look before Octavia smiles at me.

"Shell be fine, just let her cool off." Jasper says.

"She shouldn't be out ther alone." Bellamy says, turning to walk after her.

"Ill go, I should apologize anyways."

I place a hand on bellamys chest. He gives me a small smile before I begin walking into the woods. When i find Clarke my heart stops for a moment. Clarke stands with a gun pointed at Roan and a dead man between them with an arrow at the base of his skull. I unsheath the sword at my hip and gab the gun at my thigh.

Roan easliy snatches the gun from Clarke's grasp.

"You have a real gratitude problem, you know that." Roan throws the pisol into some bushes and walks towards me.

"Would you just hear me out? I need to find a nightblood to put that in."

"I already have a nightblood to put it in.

"Please, just stop."

"Cause of you, Ontari never acended. So, no, I wont stop. Not untill ice nation has its commander." When roan turns I hold my sword close to my face and my pistol out in front of me.

"You were saying?" I ask, venom dripping from my lips.

"Dhara." He greets me, unsurprised.

"Hands where I can see them." Bellamy bursts through the bushes with a piston in hand.

"You okay?" Bellamy asks me and Clarke. Roan looks from me to Bellamy quizzically. "Let's go."

"He's coming with us." I say.

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