God Complex

618 11 1

Watching the man lay in the chamber reminds me of Mount Weather, when they strapped us down and harvested our bone marrow with a drill. We didnt have anything, no drug to knock us out, not even numb it a little bit. It is easyly the worst pain I have ever felt. I comb a shaky hand through my hair and feel a hand caress my forearm and trap my shaking hand in his. Roan stands beside me as we watch the man and vis vitals. His heart beets strong and his breaths are deep and even.

"His vitals are strong." Abby says. "Jackson, seal the chamber."

"Copy that." Jackson says.

Jackson does as he is told. The chamber locks airtight and lights flick on. My grip on roans hand increases as my body tenses.

"Hes ready." Jackson staresat the man for a moment.

"Ya but are we?" Raven asks.

"The guys a monster." Emori defends our actions as everyone looks at her.

"Weve been over this." Clarke says. "None of us wants to do this, but the death wave will be here in ten days. Lunas stem cells graftes sucesfully. Baylis is making nightblood on his own. This really is our only hope."

"We really still talking about this?" Murphy says. "Black rain is already here. eighteen people died in it yesterday at Arkadia, so if nightblood can let us walk around in it, I, for one, want to know about that."

"We already have the guy in the damn, chamber, hes ready. Lets do this before we change our minds and regret it." I say.

"Okay." Abby says. "Jackson, proceede."

"Copy that, initiating."

Jackson flick on something then turn the radiation dial slowly. The machine humms lowder as the radiation level increases.

"500 REM." Jackson says. "850. This is were we would see symptoms in a non-nightblood."

Clarke watches the man like a child watches a fish tank.

"Bp is onehundred over fifty. Body temp is 98.7" Abby says. "Resting comfortably."

"No visable effects." Clarke says.

Hope begins to bloom in my chest as the man doesnt twitch and the only marks on his body are ones he went in the chamber with. My free hand fiddles with the hem of my shirt nervously.

"1,000 REM." Jackson says. "1,500."

"All good here." Abby says.

"2,000 Rem, the level of black rain."

"Still nothing, its working."


Hope is crushed as his vitals spike rapidly. The man begins screaming and thrashing against the straps as chemical burns appear all over his skin.

"Get him out of here." Abby rushes towords the chamber.

"No its not safe yet." Jackson says, pulling Abby back.

We watch in horror as Baylis screams in agony. The sound echoes in my head. Black blood erupts from his mouth and covers his face. I watch a drop run down the side of the glass as he thrashes. I clench my jaw and squeexe Roans hand tightly. Any hope I had floods out of my body as Baylis' monitor flatlines. Hes dead. Roan flicks his eyes away and plants a gruff kiss to my head, im glad everyone is too busy staring at the man we just killed to see the tear running down my cheek.

"What have we done?" Abby asks.

"Is it safe, Jackson?" I ask.

When jackson nods lightly, I pull away from Roans side and open the chamber. I close the mans eyelids and mutter the departing words of my second home.

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