A Lie Guarded

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The morning sun greets my face with a warm kiss. The city of Polis beneath me is already bustling with traders and children. I squint my eyes to watch a group of children chase one another through the streets. Their laughter barely reach my ears, but is is music although quiet. I take a deep breath and gaze up at the cloud filled sky. Peace attempts to claw at my brain but my thoughts hold my mind firmly.

Cold hands clammp around my mouth and drag me backwards. I thrash and claw against my attacker. I grab the mans hand and thrust him over my shoulder. He slams into the ground and a second and third attacker appear from the shadows. I get a closer look and reckognise the Azgeda gaurds, Roan's gaurds. I grunt as I block a punch from the second man. I grab the thirds arm and swift it painfully, forcing him to his knees. I reach for my sword but find them not to be in their sheaths but on the other side of the room. Shit. I place my boot at the third man's shoulder and hold his arm tightly as I kick him back. The man yelps in pain before something hard hurts my temple. I am thrown the the ground and blood seeps into my eye. I kick at the men and they pin me to the ground. Metal is clamped around my wrists and cloth shoved in my mouth and I am dragged through the halls.

I grunt and thrash against the gaurds as my mind thinks of reasons why. The only sensible one is they finally want Wanheda's head.  I fight against them all the way out of the tower. I am dragged through the streets to the embassy. I am thrust to my knees and when I lift my head I see Bellamy and Stephens tied and gagged as well. I grunt to them but a blade is pressed against my cheek. I cease my attempts at talking and wait patently as I head Marcus and Roan speaking inside.

"Ekko." Roan calls.

"Dhara, Stephens, Bellamy, are you alright? What is this?" Marcus asks.

"Ekko saw your people rebuilding your ship. She captured these two hunting in my woods. This one says its a shelter from the radiation." Roan gestures to Stephens.

"It's a backup plan, nothing more."

"He said that too, just before he told us that you have a nightblood. It's good thing the flames been destroyed, or i would be worried  your planning an acention."

"You have to trust me." Marcus pleas. "We discovered that nightblood helps metabolism radiation. We're investigating ways to recreate it for everyone. Turn everyone into night bloods, so we can all survive."

"Blasphamey. Nothing they tell us is true." Ekko acuses.

'It's not blasphamey, its science." Marcus says. "If nightblood can save lives we should use it."

A moment of silence passes before Roan nods. Ekko unsheathes her sword and brings the blade to Shephens's throat. In one quick movement he falls to the ground. A pool of blood around his head. I grunt through my gag and thrash against the chains.

"No. No. No." Marcus falls to kis knees beside the dying boy.

"Warriors don't reveal their secrets."

"Truth is the first casualty of war." Roan says darkly. "If your motives were pure, you wouldhave shared your plan with me."

Roan looks at me and scouts while he speaks.

"Our alliance is broken. Skaikru and Trikru are the enemy."

"What about them?"

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