I felt like I wanted to scream. Bouncing up from the seat, I looked at him with hate in my eyes.

       "Listen, whoever this woman is, FUCK HER,FUCK HER CHILD, and FUCK YOU! This is too soon and you know it! Mom died wanting us to be happy but I'm not! She was my mom too, you know. Why can't I get a say in this???"

He sighed.

         "Beyonce, I love you, and don't say that about your future family. But if it was up to you, I'd never be happy and you know it. Please stop fighting this. Just because i love another not doesn't mean my love for Tina has diminished, it never will, so please. Just be happy for me?"

"Hell no."

        He shook his head and got out of the seat, going into the kitchen to get a bottle of water, snatching it out of his hands he gave me a deadpan face.

       "We still need to talk about this shit!! What's her name? Race? Her kid? Is she a teen? School? Would we even get along? Is she single?! I need to know these things!!"

        "Oh for the love of god. She's black, a very seeet lady, with a nice daughter. I've met her on a few occasions. You'll see when she gets here. She does attend your school though. Now, I have to go get ready, in a few hours they'll be here for dinner, go freshen up and please, try to not look like some gang member?"

Dad said with a roll of his eyes, snatching the water bottle away from me. I looked at my clothes and my eyes widened.

"Iont look like a thug?!" He descended up the stairs, waving his hand dismissively at me.

"Anyways, dinners at 9, don't come and I promise I'll fuck your life up!" He was in his room by the time the sentence concluded.

"You already are!"

        Shit. Now I have to deal with this today. No matter how much I didn't want to admit it, dad had a point, I just wish his ass wasn't right all the time. Who was this mystery woman and her kid anyway? Is she hot? I'd fuck a stepsister..

        Why didn't he tell me earlier, the nigga could've atleast given me some time to prepare. Decking I needed something sweet to distract myself from the dismay I was feeling, I slipped my shoes on and jogged out the door to my Escalade.

        Jogging to the ice cream parlour, after my usual banter of flirting with the cashier, I got my ice cream and sat down in one of the many chairs. I was bored, so i was gonna do what I usually did, look at the shaderoom.

          There wasn't much on there besides the confessions. Everything had cooled down after everyone and they mamas was clowning me over Onika. Damn. I really like that girl and I still needed to find a way to get her away from white boy by this Friday. If not, we'd have to go to Plan B.

           Speaking of school, I didn't see Onika the whole day, and everything was sort of back to normal. I was happy for it because I was feeling exhausted from all the nerds coming up to me asking questions. Slumping back into the booth, I clicked on a few confessions that caught my eye.

CPHS.Shaderoom: of course we have a new batch of confessions! Tell us your thoughts down below!👀🔥

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