Chapter 11

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The demigods found themselves moving out of Gotham. They needed a new place to stay, because there hotel was actually bombed. They managed to escape, but the others were pissed.

"Who bombs a hotel?!"

"What kind of place is Gotham?!"

That's why they took the first bus out of Gotham. Villains like the joker and penguin were causing mayhem.

"We could help." That was a thought that had crossed their minds. The simple truth was that they wanted to help, but the heroes were territorial and monopolized the hero business. If you wanted to help you were expected to be under their thumb.

They were sent here to do a job, which was to make a clear path. The villains were always going to be there. They had to get a few specific and strategic villains out of the way.

"We are helping," Clarisse said.

"Not the way we used to.   All we have been doing is pointing the fingers at the villain's and their plans."

"The moment we step in the justice league will step in," Annabeth said.

Percy smirked. "Since when have we played by the rules?"

"We want to go home Percy!"

Percy looked down.  "I want to go home too."   Percy remembered the time he called his mother on a trip.  He was heartbroken, but at least he could hear her voice.  This time he couldn't even hear her voice.   He was missing his family, and he could tell that they were probably missing friends and family did too.  It was getting harder and harder to crack jokes.   They were supposed to keep their minds off of the situation, yet they found themselves backed into the same spot.

Percy thought of the horrors of what he had seen in the world.   He felt bad, but his first loyalty was to his family.   If he had to choose, he would choose his family.   That's why he couldn't become a hero in this world. 

They decided to focus on the mission of helping them resolve the issue.  

Nico had grabbed a paper out of his back pocket. 

They all stared dumbfounded at Nico.  Nico huffed out a breath.  "What do you have there death breath."

"A map."

They stared at the boy with the aviator jacket. There was a short pause before someone just looked over the map.

"When did you get this?!"

All of them were surprised, except for Leo.   Leo jumped up and down excitedly.  "While you guys were dealing with tall, dark, and creepy we had Nico infiltrate and extract some papers from the villain's hideout.   You can now call me bad boy supreme and..."

"Punch you," Clarisse finished for Leo.   Leo looked at her and took a step back.  

"You did good bro," Percy said.

Annabeth was nodding along, but you could tell she was contemplating what Leo just told her.  "You were not seen by anybody right."

Leo looked offended.  "With me on cams?"

Annabeth shrugged.  "Batman seems to be rubbing off on me with his paranoia."

Percy nodded.   "He does seem like a child of Athena with the paranoia."

Annabeth started playing with her knives.  Percy gave her a sheepish look.   She smiled at him like she wasn't playing with her knives.   She continued to flip them up and down, and then exam them closely.   When she was examining them at eye level she would give Percy a warm smile that did not reach her grey eyes.   He was staring straight into fog and he did not know what was going to pop out.  "I didn't say anything, but if your feeling guilty it must be because you did something wrong."

"I was agreeing with you!" 

Annabeth shrugged.   "I didn't say you were doing anything wrong.  You just assumed."

Percy looked at her carefully.   "Are you sure?"

Annabeth looked at Percy exasperated.  "I was just playing with my knives seaweed brain."

Percy nodded looking relieved.   He turned to look over to see Annabeth smirking.  He turned and pointed a finger at her.  "Stop it with the mind games!"

Annabeth shrugged. 

Nico sighed, looking down at the

Amnabeth grabbed the map out of Nico's grasp.   Nick gave her a glare, but Annabeth just smiled.  "You were looking frustrated."

"You could ask first," Nico grumbled.

They stared down at the map.   It was the League of Assasin's layout. Nico had drawn a red circle around the "pit."

"The league of assassins is far away. How did you travel that far?"

Nico looked over to Leo. "I found out the villains had that information. It was just a matter of pinpointing the villains lairs, which one happened to be in Star city. Not to far from Gotham compared to the assassin league."

All of them stopped talking and crowded around to look at the map.  Percy pointed at a spot on the map.   "What is that?"

Annabeth shrugged.  "I don't know.   It's a weird symbol."

They were new to the world, and learning as they went.  It's understandable that they didn't know what the symbol was.   The issue was it was an unknown factor which could prove dangerous. 


"I am already working on it.  I have been doing so much work since I got here.  I should get a raise," Leo said.

"You aren't getting paid."

"Then I should get paid," Leo said. 

"I mean you could ask them.  Hopefully Uncle Z doesn't blast you," Percy said.

"We don't even have that option," Nico grumbled.

"Stop complaining," Clarisse yelled.  "You all sound like wimps."

Annabeth nodded.   "Clarisse is right."

"We should run away," Percy said.

"Run away implies we have a home," Annabeth said.

"We are already moving...".  Suddenly they heard metal hit the ground.   They all turned to see canister being thrown out there.  

"Cover your noses!"

They all covered their nose.   "Nico get us out of here," Percy said.  

They all ran to the smaller boy.  He shrank back in the midst of confusion.  He stumbled a little before latching onto Clarisse's shoulder.  

They heard cackling before the shadows darkened and they were engulfed in their loving embrace.  

The Demigods Land in GothamWhere stories live. Discover now