Chapter 8

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Annabeth siting at a dining table glaring at Bruce Wayne who was casually reading a newspaper. He was acting like he did nothing wrong, and that he was the only one in the room.

Clarisse went off with Piper to explore. That's what Annabeth wanted to do, but someone had to watch the bat. He turned another page. Annabeth noticed how he made extra noise with the crinkling. Like he knew that crinkling the paper would infuriate her more.

Finally having enough of it Annabeth threw a dagger at him. Of course she hadn't meant to hit him. He was Batman. It would have hit him in the chest, but he moved so it was supposed to hit him in the shoulder.

But of course he was mortal. What a shame. Maybe he was stop acting like an obnoxious jerk once he got a little more bloody.

Bruce looked at his uninsured shoulder. Annabeth picked up the knife from the wall. There lay a mark where the knife had been. Bruce was staring at that mark.

"I thought my shoulder was done for," Bruce remarked.

Annabeth clucked her tongue. "Oh please, my knives don't hurt mortals. Stop being a baby over a little scare."

The truth was that she had a few weapons that worked on mortals on her person. When she grabbed for a dagger she didn't think to choose which one she was going for. It very well could have been his shoulder.

Of course Bruce did not know what Annabeth was thinking. He only knew the blades did not work on him so that meant she hadn't meant to hurt him. This time at least.

"I apologize that angered you so much,"Bruce said, smirking. 

Annabeth growled.  "When you call my friends and I children, and then proceed to give passive aggressive comments about CPS we start having a problem. To top if off you then tried to pry into our parents. I may not be sensitive but some of my friends are. You have no right to try to manipulate us, and make us bend just because you want information. You claim we are children, and then treat us as less than adults."

Bruce stared stonily. He looked like was concentrating. Annabeth could not

Piper walked back in and gave Annabeth a jovial smile that did not reach her eyes.

"What, just say it," Annabeth said.

"Leo said that Percy called to tell you that he is going to be late."

Annabeth narrowed her eyes.  "What did he do?"

Piper shook her head.   "He is having a fish party," Piper said.

"What," Bruce blurted out.  He was surprised that he spoke, and went back to a careful cool mask.  He was Batman.

Annabeth nodded.  "Sounds like Percy."   Annabeth wasn't surprised.   He had many fish parties at home.   His fish subjects loved him. 

"He really hit it off with a fish named Clover.  Clover requested to see Percy again, and you know Percy."

"What was he doing in Atlantis," Bruce asked.

"Talking to Arthur," Piper said looking at her phone.  Leo had updated information onto their anti-monster phones.   Leo also made a file on Percy's account.

"What is your business with the King of Atlantis," Bruce questioned.

"Aren't you supposed to be the world greatest detective.  Figure it out yourself," Annabeth said.   She was looking down at her phone looking at Article that said "Batman: World's Greatest Detective."  Annabeth had to catch up with the information.  If only to keep Bruce looking like he was going to scorch her. 

Normal people wouldn't want the Batman glare, but Annabeth loved the glare. He was the one who decided to make war with the daughter of Athena. Annabeth didn't feel the slightest guilt of guilt by making him figure out what their business was.  If he wanted to whine then let him have his temper tantrum.

"So he is going to come later," Annabeth said. She was a little disappointed. She wanted to spend time with her boyfriend. They had been running around a lot lately and haven't had much time alone.

"Yeah," Piper said. She had a faraway look. Annabeth looked at her expression. She was thinking about Jason because she had seen her look.

Annabeth put on her stony look. "Where is Clarisse?"

Piper smirked. "Annoying Damian in the training room.

Annabeth stood. It probably wasn't best to leave Clarisse alone with Damian.

Bruce shook his head. "Don't worry Clarisse is going to be fine," he said.

They both turned to him. A little bit perplexed. "We weren't worried about Clarisse. We were worried about Damian."

Bruce shook his head. "You should be worried about Clarisse."

Annabeth shook her head. Imitating his look with equal fervor. "You should be worried about Damian."

And that was how the bet started out.

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