Chapter 2

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On their way to the unknown location something struck the car and they went barreling to a stop.   They all clutched each other. 

Batman said, "stay here," but none of the kids were listening anymore.   When Batman went to go deal with the Joker the demigods got out of the car and disappeared.  

Annabeth gave them an earful when they got back to the hotel.  

The demigods decided to lay low for a while and work the food in the hotel.  

A week passed by, and Bruce was frustrated.  He had been trying to find those kids, but all his search ended with nothing.  

He looked at saw his son.   He smiled at him.   "Welcome home."

Richard otherwise known as Dick gave Bruce a hug.   "Glad to be back."

Then his other son strolled up, his Robin costume still on.  There was Damian.  "Father, you look terrible."

Bruce just smiled.  

Damian frowned.  "You only get like this when you are frustrated."

Bruce sighed and nodded.   "I am, but you don't need to concern yourself with this matter," Bruce said.

"Bruce," Dick said, exasperated. 

"I need to talk to the justice league."

"Okay, but fill us anyway."

"Their file is in the bat computer."

That was the end of their conversation.

* * *
"So did we find a place called "Themyscira," because that is one of the only places where the gods hold power?"

"Exactly," Annabeth said.

"What of their barrier," Clarisse asked.

"Well from studies we did the barrier looks like the one from camp. It will recognize us as family and let us in," Leo said.

"To get there is going to be the problem," Annabeth said.  

"We don't have resources," Piper said. 

"We are going to have to make resources," Clarisse said. 

"We have done it before."

"What about the superheroes," Leo asked. 

Annabeth turned to Nico.   Nico nodded.   "We worked out a location of the Batcave.  I am going to sneak in there and try to reason with him."

"He doesn't seem like he is going to like this," Nico muttered.  

"Would you rather drop in Wayne Manner?  I sure he would appreciate a couple of strangers finding out his identity."

Nico sighed and studied the blue prints that Leo had hacked from their computers.  He had to use one of the computers from the hotel.  The one good thing form this world was there was no monsters.

"What am I supposed to say? He is going to attack me," Nico grumbled.

"Say we mean no harm, and that we are just trying to get home. They might have to take you hostage for a little while to get them to trust you. If you need help you can just contact us through the coin."

"But Iris is not here. How do we know if it works?"

Percy tossed a coin up the and said the magical words. A not so clear image popped up. Percy waved hi at the Batman. The Batman glared at Percy.

"Hi," Percy said.

"Percy!  You weren't supposed to call him!"

"We had to see if it works!"

"Seaweed brain," Annabetb said.

Batman looked at all of them.  He was studying their interaction with each other.

"Why did you call me," Batman asked.   Asked isn't accurate, more like demanded.  

Percy did not get crushed under the weight of Batman's stare.   "We are lost, and want to go home.  We are not from this...dimension?"   Percy looked for Annabeth for confirmation.

"I guess you can call it that.   Have you ever heard of the multiverse," Annabeth asked.

"I have," Batman confirmed. 

Clarisse pointed to Percy.  "This idiot accidentally made us travel to this world.   We were only supposed to check in to see if the world was safe."

"Safe," Batman echoed.  

"The people we work for protected your world from an organization a long time ago.   We were sent to get the object that transported us to the universe."

"What threat," Batman breathed. 

"The organization is now destroyed," Annabeth said.  She purposely left out that they were not the ones who destroyed it.   "The only thing we have to worry about is the remnants of what destroying them would do to our universe,   Unleashing the multiverse onto that Earth might have unintentional consequences.  We had to do what we had to do at the time.   There was no other way around it."

"There never is, is there," Batman said.

"Yeah, well now we are stuck here until we can fix the object that brought us here."

"Maybe not," Batman said. "I may know something that can transport you back."

Leo jumped up in the air and yelled out "woo hoo," and jumped up and down.

Batman's mouth twitched up a little. Then went back into its flat line. "I have a few conditions."

When no one said anything he continued.

"First you have to come with me. You will come peacefully, and no one will get hurt. Second, you will answer all my questions. Third, you will..."

The Iris message cut off and soon a blurry image of Olympus was there.

They all waved. Then they started speaking. The voice sounding far away. The crucial part was that everyone heard each other.

"We know what happened to you. More than you know yourselves."

There is was with the gods being all mysterious again.

"Despite all your thoughts on Percy wishing you into that world that is false. We pushed you into the world. A simple wish does not control the orb."

Percy looked a little relieved. Even though he didn't show it, he bore the guilt of sending them there. Now knowing it was them messing with their life again made him feel better,

"Why all the deceit," Annabeth asked.

"Would you have agreed to go on this mission otherwise."

To be separated from family and friend in a foreign place. Unlikely.

"What do we need to do?"

"Percy and Nico need to stabilize their father's territory.   There has been unrest in the sea with the "Mantis" on the loose.  Not to mention Amphrite.  Nico needs to deal with Ra's al Ghul and the assassin league.  They have bee in messing with the Lazurus Pit, which is under underworld domain.  Also manage the entrance to the underworld.  It's been closed forever, and needs Hades or the son of Hades to open it again.  The rest of you can help them or establish relations in the world."

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