Amelia meets Maya

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Maya had a fun day planned for her and Carina on their days off. They were going to go for a walk in the park and then they were going to their favorite bakery near their house. 

Since Carina was nearing the end of her pregnancy, especially since it was twins, 35 weeks was the real goal here. Just when Carina wanted to plan for Maya and Amelia to meet, Amelia was needed over in Minnesota for 2 and a half months for a secret project.

Maya and Carina were just waking up for the day when Maya noticed something different about her wife. She was in a restless sleep and moving a lot more than she usually did. Maya woke up and observed her wife for a little while when she noticed that her hands were protectively on her stomach.

Maya laid her hand on Carina's hands that were on her stomach, effectively waking Carina in the process. "Good morning to you." Maya said to Carina. "And good morning to you my princesses." Maya says, pressing a kiss to Carina's stomach. Maya felt an unfamiliar flutter and looked up to Carina who had her face scrunched up a bit.

"What's wrong, baby?" Maya asked her wife with worried eyes. "Nothing's wrong, bambina. Everything's okay. My water broke a few hours ago and I've been laying down after I got the bathroom cleaned." Carina said it so nonchalantly that Maya almost missed it.

"Wait. Let's back up to the part where your water broke." Maya said with wide eyes at her wife. "Yes, bambina. And since this is my first pregnancy, it could take a while. You were so tired and I didn't need to wake you right away." Carina said to her almost frantic wife. 

"Carina, why didn't you wake me?!" Maya asks, more awake than she was a few minutes ago. "It could take a while, Maya. My contractions are spaced enough out still that we don't need to be worrying yet." Carina said to her wife. "But shouldn't we be going to the hospital, and see Jo?" Maya asks, feeling helpless in this situation. 

"Hey, hey. Bambina, I already let Jo know that my water broke and she let Andrea know. I told her to not expect us right away because the contractions are still far apart. So what I want you to do right now is prove my research right and give me an orgasm." Carina says bluntly and with a smirk. They had discussed doing this before and Maya was okay with it. 

"Carina, that's not safe. I won't do that to you or the babies. No I can't." Maya said, getting up and starting to pace. "That's not safe. I can't do it. Carina, it's not safe." Maya keeps saying and Carina is worried she is going to send herself into a panic attack.

"Bambina, come here please." Carina says, trying to get her wife's attention. Maya continues to pace, saying that it's not safe to do that. "Bambina." Carina says firmly and it gets Maya's attention as she turns around.

"Come here please." Carina says as she pats the bed next to her for her wife to come into. Maya wordlessly comes back onto the bed and wraps her arms around Carina as she buries her head in her neck. "We won't do anything you are not comfortable with. I would never make you do that, Maya. You know that. You also know that I did an entire year of studying this as well. The babies are perfectly fine, but we are going to lay here until we make our way to the hospital." Carina declares. "The bag is already in the car. We just need to get dressed and go when it's time." Carina says as she strokes her wife's blonde hair.

"I'm sorry. I have absolutely no right to be this way. I'm not the one pregnant. I should be comforting you." Maya said as she sighs dejectedly. "Bambina, no. Just because I am the one who is pregnant, does not cancel out your feelings and thoughts. You care so much for me and I want what is best for us. I am an OB. So although I have never directly been through this until now, I know the steps and procedures to all of it." Carina soothes her nervous wife. 

"I'll text Jo right now to get a room ready for us. We will go now." Carina says as she moves to try and get up. "We don't have to go because I'm just being stupid." Maya says with a sigh. "Take it back right now." Carina says with a stern face. "I'm being stupid, Carina. There's no reason I should feel this way." Maya counters.

"Bambina. You have every right. You are just nervous and anxious. And that is absolutely okay. So help me up, let's get changed to go." Carina says as she taps her wife for her to get up.

Maya helps her wife up and they get themselves dressed. No more than 20 minutes later, they are walking into the OB ward, looking for Jo and Andrew. "DeLuca-Bishops. My favorites!" Jo sings as she sees the moms to be. "Jo, I don't think you should be saying that." Maya says jokingly.

"They'll forgive me. It's not every day I get to deliver my mentor's babies." Jo says with a big smile. "Room 4523 is yours." Jo says to the OB and firefighter. "Jo, that's the biggest suite we have here. We can't take that!" Carina exclaims to the other OB.

"Sorry, Chief Bailey's orders. I still would have done the same thing." Jo says as they start walking and then stop as Carina has a contraction. "We're still over ten minutes, but thought it'd be safe to come before it was too late." Carina explains to Jo. "It's because of me. She just won't say that." Maya says to the OB.

"It's absolutely fine. Let's put you in the wheelchair and get you over." Jo says as a wheelchair comes into view from one of the nurses. Carina gets in the wheelchair and Maya goes to push, but Carina holds her hand at her side. Jo goes behind and pushes her into the room.

Jo had everything laid out and Carina got changed with the help of Maya and gets into the bed. Maya got everything they needed out of the hospital bag to keep them comfortable. Just as Maya was about to sit down, someone comes bursting through the door.

"Carina, I heard that you were brought in! Are the babies okay?" Amelia says as she goes to her bedside. "Amelia, they're fine. I'm just in labor. Welcome back, when did you get in?" Carina asks the neurosurgeon. "Just yesterday, so thank you for holding off until then." Amelia smirks.

Just then Maya moved in her seat slightly and caught the woman's attention. "Oh my god. I am so sorry. I'm Dr. Amelia Shepherd." Amelia says as she holds out her hand to shake Maya's. "Captain Maya DeLuca-Bishop." Maya says politely as she shook Maya's hand.

"I was starting to think you got impatient and just wanted children by yourself." Amelia said to Carina with a smirk. "Amelia!" Carina scolded. "I'm sorry, but let me tell you. A+ my friend." Amelia said to Carina with a smile.

"Don't I know it. Fire captain, Olympic Gold Medalist. I won, if I do say so myself." Carina tells her with a smile. "I'd say you won a gold medal yourself, Dr. Orgasm." Amelia says with a chuckle. 

"Do people willingly call you that?" Maya says as she cringes. "It's not a big deal. Amelia is really the only one." Carina says nonchalantly. Just then Carina is hit with a contraction and Maya gets up to hold her hand. "Alright, I will leave you to it, my friends. Congratulations." Amelia says as she makes her exit with a smile.

Many hours later and much screaming later, two very healthy baby girls made their entrance into the world.

The texts read with pictures attached:

Your newest probies or doctors in training (or whatever they want) have made their entrance in this beautiful world. 

Say hello to:

Valentina Lucía DeLuca-Bishop and Adrianna Katherine DeLuca-Bishop

Author's Note: And that's it! I know this isn't my best work, but I am currently working and trying to keep up with this. My new story is also in the works and I have the most ideas for that. Hopefully you'll come back to read the other as well.

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