Dean meets Carina

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Miller and Banks were on aid car for the day when there was a call for a pregnant woman at a financial center whose water broke while working behind the counter. 

The two firefighters entered the bank to one of the workers waving them over to behind the counter. 

"Hi everyone, my name is Dean and this is Jill, we are from fire station 19. I hear we have an expecting mom!" Dean states, trying to calm everyone's very clear nerves. "That would be me." The woman on the ground said with baited breath. "And what is your name, miss?" Jill asked the very nervous mother.

"My name is Brielle." The woman tells them. "Okay, Brielle. How far along are you?" Dean asks as he gets a blood pressure cuff on her as well as a pulse ox. "I'm 33 weeks, but I am having twins so my doctor said this would be about the time." She explained and then had another contraction hit and again, concentrated on her breathing. 

"Twins, wow. I have a little girl and she's already a handful on my own." Dean says trying to distract her. "My wife and I are pregnant with twins as well. She is twenty weeks." Jill says. "We are in for a wild ride, aren't we?" She adds, trying to keep the mother to be calm as well.

"Okay, Brielle. We are going to get you up onto the stretcher so we can take you to the hospital." Dean explains to her. "We have to go to Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital. That is where my OB is. I have swapped my OB in the last 4 months. She is amazing! Dr. DeLuca is her name." Brielle explains.

"Small world, my wife and I go to her as well! She comes highly recommended from our friends back in my hometown." Jill says with a smile. "Okay, Dean. Are you ready with the stretcher?" Jill asks as she gets into position to move Brielle. "Ready, on my count. 1, 2, 3!" Dean counts. 

Dean and Jill get Brielle onto the stretcher as gently as possible before rolling her out of the building and into the aid car. They get her hooked up to all of the devices within the aid car, along with some oxygen to help with the breathing. 

"Okay. How do you feel? Good enough to get this show on the road to Grey-Sloan?" Dean asks. "I am so ready." Brielle says. Jill gets into the front and takes off towards the hospital.

Dean radios to Grey-Sloan and gets them prepared their arrival, specifically asking for Dr. DeLuca, who he has not met yet. 

Arriving to the emergency entrance a few minutes later and getting the aid car doors open, Dean is met with a tall, olive-skinned woman. Even he can admit beauty when he sees it. "Brielle, nice to see you. Just had to make this exciting for us, didn't you?" Carina said to the pregnant woman. Dean took in that she had an accent, if he had to guess, it was Italian. 

"Hi, Dr. DeLuca. Apparently they couldn't wait until after work." Brielle joked. "Ah, hi Jill. How is Cassie doing?" Carina asked the other firefighter. "Very good. The cravings aren't exactly ideal, but I've got to be useful somehow." Jill joked as they got her out of the aid car and into the hospital. "Alright, Brielle. I just have to check you over before we make our way upstairs. You didn't fall and hit your head did you?" Carina asked the pregnant woman.

"No, all my co-workers were really helpful getting me down to the ground. Vin is also on his way. So he should be here soon." Brielle mentioned then being hit with another contraction. "Breathe through it, Brielle. You got this." Carina encouraged as she is transferred her onto the hospital bed. She gets her checked in and comfortable before she will be moved.

"Can we have five more minutes to not go back to captain hardass?" Dean mumbles to Jill, but Carina heard them and laughed. She knew they were from Maya's station because of their numbers on the shirts and she has been there a few times, undetected by her team. "Tell me about this captain of yours." Carina says with a smirk.

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