Teddy meets Maya

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It was a strange day in the pit. There was only cardio patient and it turned out to be indigestion. Teddy was wracking her brain on her lunch break with Carina and Amelia.

"Today has been so weird. I had one patient in the pit this morning and that's it. Otherwise it's just been rounds and post-ops." Teddy exclaims, slightly annoyed that she hasn't been in the OR yet today. "Well good, it gives you a break from being too busy." Carina says with optimism, which does little to nothing for the cardio surgeon. 

"I am a surgeon, I want to cut." Teddy says with a sigh. "You are something else, Dr. Altman." Carina says with a laugh. "I mean, I'm with Teddy here. It's my job to cut." Amelia says with a shrug. "So we are wishing for the city of Seattle to be overall unsafe?" Carina asks the two of them.

"Well, when you put it that way you make us sound like monsters." Amelia says to the OB/GYN. "Very pretty monsters." Teddy adds onto that. Amelia gives Teddy a point to agree with that statement. 

"Ah, I just got an alert on my phone. 4-alarm fire at the research facility by the park downtown. I'm going to have to activate trauma protocol and first responder protocol. I'm on rotation to receive the first responders from the scene for breathing treatments. Hopefully we don't get anything too bad with them, I always hate having to treat the ones who risk their lives." Teddy says with a sigh at the end.

She starts to eat a little faster than she normally would because she'll most likely get called. "Any idea what stations have been called to the scene?" Carina asks Teddy. "Not sure. My guess is 23, 88, 12, and 19. They are the closest within that perimeter." Teddy says nonchalantly, not noticing how Carina tensed when she mentioned station 19. 

"And there we go." Teddy groans as she and Amelia are paged to the pit to start activating the protocol. This means Teddy needs to put of an alert to divert any ambulances to surrounding hospitals that are not coming from that scene. 

Teddy races down to the pit to be greeted by her husband, Dr. Pierce, Dr. Wilson, Dr. Avery, Dr. Lincoln, Dr. Shepherd and Dr. Grey.  All doctors of each department to be on standby for this protocol. "Alright everyone. 4-alarm fire at the research facility downtown. We are hopefully not dealing with hazardous materials that got onto or into these individuals, I will get an update to confirm that this will be burns and smoke inhalation only, with uncommon injuries hopefully also being minimal. Make sure we are well stocked on trauma gowns, gloves, and gauze. We will need a lot of it. Look alive, we have the first incoming in 15 minutes." Teddy yells to everyone around the pit. 

Everyone goes to their respective duties for the next hour or so. Wilson is met with Vic and Andy coming out of the rug with a pregnant researcher. "Nenny Williams, 33 weeks pregnant, no obvious signs of injury, blood pressure is normal, minor smoke inhalation." Vic rambles off as her and Andy get the patient out of the back. 

"Oh, Vic. Pink scrubs." Andy says to her. Jo looks at them with a confused look. "Oh, sorry. Do you know Dr. DeLuca-Bishop?" Vic asks Jo as the nurses wheel the patient in with Andy. "I do, yes." Jo says, wondering why they need her. "Oh good. Nothing bad, if you happen to see her, tell her Maya wanted her to know she was okay and that her phone died so she won't be able to update her." Vic says to Jo. 

"Oh, what a relief. I was thinking about Carina with that, so I will be sure to update her when I am finished with Nenny." Jo says as she squeezes Vic's shoulder in gratitude and walks to go with her patient. 

"What was that?" Andy says to her girlfriend with her arms crossed after they handed off the patient. "What was what, babe?" Vic asks her, confused as to what just happened. "She squeezed your arm." Andy said. "Yes, that's all she did, Andy. I told her to let Carina know that Maya was okay and that was it." Vic says, confused as to why this was an issue. Andy continues to pout until they are back to the ambulance. They closed the back doors to the rig and Vic quickly collects Andy in her arms. 

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