Ben meets Carina

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Maya needed a minute to calm herself down so she went to her desk and sat down. She went through her breathing exercises she's grown to appreciate. 

Outside Carina was waiting patiently for Maya, knowing her wife well enough to know that she just needed a minute to herself to decompress. Just then she saw Andy and Vic coming out of a supply closest together. 

Carina raised her eyebrows at that and waited for the couple to notice her. She clears her throat and the two stop making eyes at each other then turn to Carina. "Alright, I'm not even going to try and lie myself out of that one." Vic says honestly. "Andrea. Victoria." Carina says as she smirks at the both of them. 

"Voi due siete molto coraggiosi e un po' stupidi (You two are very brave and kind of stupid)." Carina says, thinking they wouldn't pick up on that. "Thanks, Carina. I know we are brave and kind of stupid." Andy smirks back at the doctor. "Of course you know Italian." Carina says as she rolls her eyes.

"It was easy to learn when I was younger, it's similar to Spanish, so phrases were easy to learn." Andy shrugs. "Well now I just feel left out." Vic pouts. Andy kisses the pout and Vic gets a smile back onto her face.

"You two headed out for the night?" Carina asks them. "Sí. It's date night for us. How about you and Maya?" Andy asks her. "We're just going home to have a relaxed night. She's feeling off, so I just want her to be comfortable at home." Carina admits honestly to the two women. "Let us know if there is anything we can do for you both. I know with work and everything, life can get hectic." Vic says as she smiles at the doctor.

"Thank you both, now go so you can get your date night on." Carina says as she smiles and waves to them as they leave. 

Carina is still waiting after this conversation and debates going back into her wife's office. She is reaching for the handle when she hears a voice behind her coming from the stairs. "Hi, can I help you? Those are private quarters." The man says to her. 

Italics are Carina and Maya speaking strictly in Italian

She turns around to see Chief Bailey signaling for her to keep this going, so Carina realizes this must be her husband. "Oh wow, I am so sorry. I am so lost right now and I don't know if you can help me." Carina says with a confused look on her face. Ben is at a loss for words as he looks at her wife and she shrugs as well.

"Can you help me, please? I am so lost. I don't know where I am, sir."

Carina says again and is again met with Ben's confused look turning into concern now as he registered Carina's pregnant belly. "Are you hurt, mam? Is there something the matter with your baby?" He asks her desperately. "Help me, I need help."  Carina continues with this.

Just then Maya comes out of her office confused as to why her wife was asking for help. "What's wrong? Are you and the babies okay?" Maya asked her wife as she was trying to stay calm. "His wife asked me to prank him essentially. So we are going along with it. Only for a few more seconds." Carina says with a chuckle and Maya joins her.

"I'm lost, why are we laughing? I think this woman is hurt." Ben says with an annoyed tone. "Warren, this is my wife. Dr. Carina DeLuca-Bishop. It seems your wife and my wife wanted to prank you. She is also pregnant with twins, good catch." Maya tells the man that now has a relieved look on his face. 

"And I am assuming you working for my lovely wife? That's why she gets you to do these cruel things to me. Ben Warren." He says as she goes to shake her hand. "Yes, Benjamin Warren. Anesthesiologist, surgeon, and firefighter. What can't you do?" Carina asks as she shakes his hand back. 

"Wow, my wife actually brags about me when she isn't pranking me? Who would have known? Congratulations on the babies!" Ben says with a laugh from him and Maya. "Okay, Benjamin. Let's leave these two alone. Captain Bishop, it was a pleasure to meet you." Chief Bailey tells her. "Likewise." Maya says with a strained smile, only noticeable to her wife. 

"Dr. DeLuca-Bishop, hopefully we will see you around here more soon." Ben says to Carina as they wave goodbye to the other married couple. "Hopefully, soon. Have a good night." Carina says as she waves back to them. Maya was seemingly quiet during this interaction after Carina said she was fine. 

Carina wordlessly pulled her back into her office again, making sure the blinds were drawn and the door was locked. "Maya, talk to me. Tell me what you need." Carina says as she is desperate to help her wife. "I just need you to hold me." Maya says shyly, looking down at the ground. 

Carina wordlessly made her way to Maya and brought her into a tight hug. "Do you want me to hold you laying down or standing up?" Carina asks her wife with nothing but love and care for her wife. "I want to go home. I want to go home, Carina." Maya says as she starts to get emotional. "Bambina, hey. Hey. Look at me." Carina says and pauses. "We will go home. Let's get you in some shoes and we will go, I promise." Carina soothes her wife as they make there way behind Maya's desk. 

They get her shoes on and make their way to the door. Carina then stops and pulls her wife into another hug. "Let's go home bambina." Carina cooes at her wife while kissing her head for comfort. Maya just nods into her and opens the door for them to go home.

They spend the night wrapped up in each other's arms, Maya feeling the everlasting comfort and patience from Carina. She has never forced her to talk about what is going on in her head during these times, but she knows she is safe with her. Maya is forever grateful to have an understanding partner like Carina.

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