Emmett meets Carina

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Emmett was spending the morning covering the desk at the station before starting his shift on Crisis One. 

"Morning, Captain!" Emmett says with a chipper tone when Maya walks in the door. "Emmett, it is too early to be this chipper already." Maya groans as she thinks back to the argument her and he wife got into over the phone because of Maya leaving the bed unmade yesterday morning. 

These pregnancy hormones were something else. She hasn't seen Carina in over 3 days because their schedules were not matching up. Yesterday she made the mistake of sleeping through her alarm somehow (which she never does) and forgetting to make the bed. Needless to say, Carina was not too happy about that and gave her wife an earful when she got home yesterday morning from her night shift. 

Carina was very much one of those people who was able to sleep better, knowing that her bed was previously made. Working the night shift is not ideal when her wife is typically working the days. So they have not been able to physically see one another for a while and it is taking a toll on them, but especially Carina.

What they have both learned is that Carina is very cuddly when they are alone, very angry when something does not go their way, very emotional over anything. She cried when she got the wrong brand of chocolate from the store the other day. She is also overly affectionate when the two of them are alone. 

"Sorry, Cap. Just a really good morning." Emmett says with a small smile. "How is that husband of yours?" Maya asks with a smile back at him. "He's fine. Fatherhood looks good on him, I'll tell ya, he is such a girl dad. Ella is so cute. And she looks so much like Travis, you wouldn't even know she isn't biologically related to either of us." Emmett says as he beams with pride at his husband and their daughter's bond. "That's good to hear, Emmett." Maya says with a genuine smile. 

"Ah, it looks like I see them now. Alanna is going to be picking her up from here today since we are both here. She will be here be before shift starts, no worries." Emmett says as he sees them coming into the station. 

"Hey babe." Emmett greets his husband. "Hi, little Elle Belle." He greets his daughter. He presses a kiss to his daughter's forehead and then a kiss to Travis' lips. "Morning Travis." Maya greets him curtly.

"Morning, Cap." He says and waves Ella's little hand towards her. "Hi Miss Ella." Maya says to the little girl. "I will be in my office and then the gym to get a workout in while I can. I'll have both of my phones on me if you need to reach me." Maya says as she makes a move to her office after receiving a nod from Emmett.

Maya changes and makes her way upstairs, but forgets to take her personal phone and it seemed senseless to go down and get it again.

Maya likes to get an hour workout in before the day really starts moving. While she is working out, her personal phone is going off with texts.

My wife <3: I know I am mad at you, but I need sex. 

My wife <3: I really need sex, and I am off shift. Can I come to the station? 

My wife <3: Maya, I know you're not on a call. I overheard Bailey on the phone with Ben. 

My wife<3: I'm mad at you again. 

My wife<3: Maya, I'm worried. I'm coming to the station.

All of these texts were unread by Maya as she continued to work out in the gym.

Back downstairs, Emmett was typing up a new procedure for the Crisis One. He was part of the way through the document when a woman come in quickly approaching the desk.

"Hi, how can--" Emmett started as he was promptly cut off. "Is Captain Bishop in?" She says quickly. "She's not in her office at the moment. I can certainly leave her a message that you stopped by." Emmett says politely. 

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