Chief Bailey meets Maya

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It had been a long day for the crew at the station. That is the simplest way to put it. There had been way too many aid car call outs and simply too many car fires for one day. How is it that people can be so careless in their car maintenance and actually heeding the car warning lights. 

Maya was exhausted and she was drowning in the days paperwork from all the calls. She could not even sit down long enough to be able to finish the last calls paperwork before another call came in. So now she was playing catch up.

She took a minute to take her phone out to text her wife.

Maya: I have had the busiest day and I'm just so frustrated. I have so much paperwork and I can't even sit long enough to do it before another call comes in. I just miss you. <3 

She sends the message and goes back to her paperwork. Some days, Maya questioned why she wanted this ranking position, it involved so much paperwork and so much about budgets and stats, but then she thought about her pregnant wife. One simple thought of her wife and she knows why she does this job. She wants to be as safe as she can from the danger so she can be there for her wife and for her children who are coming in 4 short months.

It was Ben's turn to cook dinner and he was making his usual Country Fried Steak with plenty of vegetables at the request of the captain. There was a knock on the door and Jill poked her head in. "Hey, Cap. Warren is just about finished making dinner. Want to get in a 15 minute jump rope beforehand?" She asks her captain curiously. "You go ahead Jill, I've been drowning in paperwork." Maya exclaims and Jill nods then heads out to the gym to squeeze the workout in before dinner. 

Five minutes later, another knock at the door comes. Andy pops her head in and then closes the door. "Alright, what paperwork can I take off your hands? Before you say no, Jill came to get me to check on you. It's been a long day for everyone, and even longer for you with all of this paperwork. So don't make me ask again or I'll call that Italian wife of yours and rat you out." Andy says playfully with a smile on her face. 

"It's really fine, Andy. I'll get it done one way or another." Maya sighs, knowing she should give her some, but not wanting to dump it onto her. "Suit yourself." Andy gets up and holds up her phone while walking out and points to the ringing phone that shows her wife's name. Andy shrugs and walks upstairs, undoubtedly already on the phone with Carina.

Maya knows she going to hear from Carina any time after that phone call ends and she just couldn't bring herself to worry. She's exhausted, she's gotten no sleep, and she just cannot get out of her own head.

It hasn't been a good day for her depression, only willing herself to work without having to think about anything else. She didn't want to tell Carina because she was probably really busy and couldn't talk. Overall, it just wasn't a good day for Maya. 

Some time later when she was almost done with her paperwork, there was a knock at the door. With her blinds drawn, she didn't have any idea who was at the door. She assumed it was Andy or Jill again, but when a short, authoritative woman walked in, she was taken aback. "Hi, how can I help you?" Maya said with a questioning voice. 

"I think you'd help yourself by grabbing something to eat, Captain Bishop." The woman said. "I'm sorry?" Maya says, still very confused. "Oh, let me introduce myself. Dr. Miranda Bailey, Chief of Surgery over at Grey-Sloan Memorial. Also Benjamin Warren's other half. I helped him with dinner since I had some down time today. Thought I would finally meet this famous captain that Ben always talks about and compliments heavily, but didn't see you so I came down to drag you up to dinner. I am very persuasive, and I don't work for you so I can get away with a little bit of tough love." Miranda says with a smirk and chuckle. 

"Ah, you're the boss my wife speaks so highly about." Maya says with a small smile and chuckle as well. "Formally I am Captain Maya Bishop, personally I am Mrs. Maya DeLuca-Bishop. It's a pleasure to meet you Chief Bailey and Warren's better half." Maya jokes and reaches out her hand to shake. 

Bailey shakes her hand and laughs at her last comment. "Carina DeLuca-Bishop. I should have known, which reminds me. She seems like she was on a mission about an hour ago when I was talking to her brother on the phone. Something about rain cloud on dinner with Andrew, which I think she meant rain check, but can't be sure." Bailey says with a genuine laugh. "American idioms are not her thing at all. She does that a lot." Maya says as she dreamily thinks about her wife. 

Speaking of her wife, she comes barreling into the station at the speed of light, without even knocking on the open door to see her chief and wife talking with each other. "Ah, ciao Chief Bailey. It's good to see you." Carina says awkwardly. "Well good evening to you too, Dr. DeLuca-Bishop. I should have known the two of you are married." Bailey says with a smile to Carina.

This relieves the slight awkwardness in the air being caught by your boss barreling into the captain's office with no explanation. "I am going to go back upstairs to help Benjamin clean up dinner before we head out for the night. I will come back down to see you before we leave." Bailey says as she makes her way out of the office and closes the door, sensing the wives needed a little alone time together. 

"Hi, bambina." Carina says gently to her wife. She comes up to her and wraps her arms around her neck, bringing her hands to massage the back of it. "I missed you too. Sorry I didn't respond to your text. It was delivery after delivery then I was about to leave when Andy called me." Carina says as she raises her eyebrow at her wife. "Today just hasn't been a good day at all." Maya says as she sighs. "I've only been able to do my work. I don't have any other willingness to do anything other than that." Maya looks down at the ground.

Carina takes her two fingers and brings them to Maya's chin to lift her eyes into her gaze. "Bella. You know you can text me or call me whenever you want. I may not answer right away, but you're my wife. I want to know what's going on, I need to know what's going on. You're my number one priority, along with our two little ones coming soon. We weather any storms together, that's what you got when you married me. I am so in love with you, bambina. That means I will always care for you when you cannot do it yourself or I will hype you up when you need it, I will just be your best friend and gossip if you need it. Whatever you need me to be, I will do it and I will always be by your side." Carina finished with her heart eyes on Maya's who looked like she was ready to sob at her wife's words.

"What can I do to make it better?" Carina asks her wife while holding onto her. "I think I want to go home and just sleep. I'm not all that hungry, but I know I have to eat at some point." Maya says as she looks down again. "Bella, let me see those beautiful blue eyes of yours." Carina said firmly. 

Maya looked up hesitantly to meet her wife's beautiful brown eyes. "I know this isn't easy, that's why I am here because we are always going to be a team. We go through it together. I'll keep reminding you every day if I have to." Carina says as she holds Maya's face up to meet hers.

"I'll go wait out in the lobby, get changed and we can go home." Carina says as she kisses her wife on the lips and moves to the lobby.

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