Arizona meets Maya

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It was time for the wives to meet for an ultrasound. Carina was not 22 weeks pregnant, but her and Maya haven't been able to find the time to go to an ultrasound. 

"Jo, we still on for 3pm?" Carina asked the other doctor while walking down the hall. "Ah, Luna has been booted from daycare because she has a  slight fever so Andrew is currently watching her, but I have to relieve him before 3pm. I re-assigned your scan to a visiting doctor. She worked here a few years ago so she's familiar with everything. She's also part owner of the hospital so you know she knows what she's doing." Jo rambled nervously.

"It's alright, Jo. Luna comes first, no problem at all." Carina tells her with a smile. "I think you'll get along with her. I'm holding out hope that she'll come back to work here because I miss her. No offense at all, you're amazing. I was just really go friends with her before when my ex-husband and I were still together, before she moved." Jo kept rambling. "Jo, it's absolutely fine. I'm excited to meet her if you're excited that she is coming back. I'm sure she's great." Carina says as she gives the doctor a reassuring smile. 

"Alright, we have a c-section for triplets. Let's get this going so I can see my babies later." Carina says to the resident. Jo and Carina make it to the OR floor in time for their c-section on one of their favorite patients. She has always been so kind and brings them baked goods whenever she comes. 

When the surgery was finished, Carina and Jo scrubbed out and parted ways as it was already 2:30pm. Carina called her wife to see if she was on her way as she was walking back to her office.

Maya's phone went to voicemail, which was weird because she had the day off. Hopefully she didn't get called into a big fire is all Carina was thinking. Carina didn't want to find out about her babies without Maya there. As she was walking to her office, she was able to see a shadow in there, meaning someone was waiting on her. It looked like they were pacing.

She got to her office and opened the door to find her wife pacing back and forth. "Carina! I was getting worried when it was getting close to 3pm." Maya said as she came up to greet her wife with a chaste kiss. "What is all this, bella?" Carina asked, looking around the room to find a bouquet of her favorite flowers, a bag from her favorite restaurant, and bag from her favorite bakery. 

Maya looked down as if she was getting nervous and Carina picked her chin up with two fingers. "I know today is a big deal for us so I wanted to get you some of your favorite things to start it off on a good note." Maya said as she looked into her wife's eyes shyly. "Oh, bambina. You are so thoughtful. Thank you for doing this." Carina says as she gives her wife a soft kiss to thank her properly. 

"Do we have time to eat before our appointment?" Maya asks Carina. "Sì. Let's eat." Carina says as she grabs her wife's hand to bring her over to the couch. 

"How was your day, amore?" Carina asked her wife as they sat down to eat. "Nothing too noteworthy. Just started putting together the furniture you had asked me to do. Andy came over to help and we were able to get the rocking chair and one crib done. I'm sorry we weren't able to get more done." Maya said as she looked down at her food, upset she didn't get more done.

"Hey, bambina. Look at me." Carina firmly says to her. Maya looks back up to her as Carina reaches out to hold her hand. "Thank you for getting done what you were able to. I don't expect you to get it done all at once, that's not fair of me to ask you to do that. It gets done when it gets done." Carina says, holding her wife's gaze.

"So long as it's done by the time they get here." Carina says with a smirk. "I love you so much, Maya. I appreciate all that you are doing. You get it done at your pace, I don't want you hurting yourself." Carina warns her with a look. "Plus, twins are heavy, so I'm going to need all the massages pretty soon." Carina says with a smirk. 

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