April meets Maya

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The recently (within the past year) reinstated trauma surgeon has been working the pit all day with more minor cases for the time being. 

April was getting a pregnant woman settle after a fall at her house when Carina walked in. "Good afternoon, Dr. Kepner. Hi, Maddie. I didn't expect to see you so soon, what happened?" Carina asked the expecting mom. "I was just in the kitchen when I tripped over the rug by the sink. I was able to fall gracefully, but I wanted to come in and get checked out to make sure the baby was okay." The woman said nervously.

"Vitals are normal, with a slightly elevated BP, but that is more than likely just from the nerves." April says with a smile. "Well okay, let me just get a fetal monitor attached to you and we will give you time to relax before we do an exam." Carina says softly, placing her hand gently on the woman's shoulder. Carina puts in orders for a nurse to come place a fetal monitor and exits the room with April.

"Hey, how about we catch up over lunch today if you aren't busy. This week has been so busy, I need some normalcy for a change." April exasperates with a huff. Carina laughs at the redhead. "Yes, I'd love to. I'll see if Amelia and Teddy are free too." Carina tells her as they make their way over to the nurses' station to updating their charts on the tablets. "Ah, I have to go get some results from the lab for another patient and then I will be back to check on Maddie." Carina says as she looks at the message on her work phone. She waves to April and goes off to the lab.

A few minutes after she left, April is greeted by Dean and Jill with a disgruntled Maya on their stretcher. "Hi guys, what do we have?" April asks as she leads them to room. "Well our fire captain seems to think she is invincible and doesn't need to come to the hospital, despite fairly deep lac on her left arm." Dean says as he glares at Maya. 

"Miller, I have told you I am fine." Maya says then winces when April starts to manipulate the wound. "Alright, alright. You are going to need stitches. And I will personally do them myself." April says, wanting to give the best care to fellow responders. Jill and 

"Alright, just wanting to get some information for the system here. Have you been treated or are you a patient to any of the doctors within the hospital? It'll be easier to find you and make the process quicker." April states to Maya, who is still looking disgruntled.

"Yes I have." Maya says. "Alright, first and last name please." April says, tablet ready for her. "Maya Bishop." She says.

April looks up the name and it comes up with nothing. "It doesn't look like you're in the system. Is there a specific doctor you go to, I can look you up that way." April says kindly. 

Jill then interjects. "Cap, are you sure you didn't hit your head too. That's not your full legal name." Jill says with a slight chuckle. Maya gives her a pointed look and a sigh. Even though she's been married to Carina for a while now, she still is getting used to having two last names. 

"Right. It's Maya DeLuca-Bishop." Maya says and then proceeds to spell out her first last name for April. "Ah, here we are. Let me just get you in the system and then I will grab the suture kit." April says with a smile to the firefighters as she walked out and to the nurses' station again to check on something.

She was looking up her most recent patients records and how Carina electronically signed her name. And there it was, Dr. Carina DeLuca-Bishop. It could be that they coincidentally have the same last hyphenated name, but it was more likely they were married. Carina was pretty private with her personal life, so she didn't want to pry, but if it was her partner were in the hospital, she would want to know, no matter the reason.

She quickly grabbed the suture kit as Carina was coming back. She couldn't tell her outright that Maya was here because of HIPAA, so she had to be creative. "Hey, when you get a chance, just verify the information on the ER board is good for Maddie. I just need to go suture a patient." April says to Carina when she comes to the station. "Sì, will do." Carina tells her with a smile as April makes her way back to the room.

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