Asher gathered small groups at a time to collect their food so no one's off station for too long and then we all sit around the dining table, waiting for Roman.

He slowly walks in when we've already began eating, sits at the top like he usually does and looks at Arabella, "Stop dressing like that around the house."

"Why?" She bites into the taco.

"Because half of my men have it bad for you just by looking at your body." He side eyes me.

"No, they have it bad for me because i'm a good person." She sarcastically, smiling back at him, "And because i don't make them starve an entire day."

He rolls his eyes at her, picking up the taco and biting into it. She watches him, waiting for approval and when he doesn't give any, she shakes her head and sighs. "Okay i think we should talk about this. You clearly don't want to marry me, you're being a dick to me for no reason and i've literally tried everything. Because of that, i don't want to marry you. So let me marry one of your friends and all will be good."

Roman looks at her blankly, "So which one did you fuck?"


"It was Luca." He says confidently.

She throws her taco right in his face, "Fuck you, Roman. Unlike you." She pushes his forehead back with the palm of her hand, "I can keep my word and promises, but because you said that you're not having a virgin wife anymore." She goes to walk away but he pulls her back to him.

Asher and i share a look before he pulls her on to his lap, "Eat." He points to his taco.

"No. Get the fuck off me." She says, and he lets her go.

Then she storms away, leaving us in a painful silence.

"Juliana is gonna kill you." I rub my jaw.

She gave him one rule, and that was to not hurt her feelings. Because although she might seem confident on the outside, she isn't on the inside. It's all false.

He wipes a taco bean off his face, "Make sure she eats something before the nights over." He gets up, walking away.

This would all be a lot less stressful if he could admit that he has feelings for her.

"I'm out tonight." Asher looks at me, "She likes sweet food."

I nod my head, we leave to get on with our own work, i'm opening a new hotel soon, one of Roman's casinos is going to be part of it.

I order a range of desserts online and then head up to Arabella's room when they arrive. I walk in, seeing her sleep on the bed but Roman stand at the foot of the bed. "What are you doing?" I leave the tray of stuff on her nightstand.

"Do you think she's a virgin?" He asks.

I never seen the whole big deal around this. Italian men don't want a wife if she isn't a virgin. They want her 'pure.' I couldn't give a shit, if i find the right person then i don't care if she's fucked someone else or not.

"Would it matter if she is?" I slide my hands into my pockets.

"No, just wondering." His eyes scan her body, "She hasn't had her period."

"And it's weird you know that."

"Katrina told me there wasn't any products asked to be bought, and we didn't leave any in here."

"Maybe she just hasn't got it yet-"

"She's been here five weeks."

"So now you think she's pregnant?" He's unbelievable.

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