[15] The Steady Point

Start from the beginning

After everything, Juvia would still say that it was the most awkward after school hang out we have.

Lucy introduced herself to Lisanna and they instantly became friends, Juvia had no doubt in that, because Lucy-san had the purest heart.

Cana told us that she knew everything all along and that she stayed in contact with Mira and Lisanna, but respect their decision to keep it a secret and we tried to take that in as well.

Lisanna and Natsu also announced that they are dating now, it has been weeks since her return anyway and Natsu was still by her side even after she disappeared for three years.

Levy and Erza were eager to talk to Lisanna as well, it was evident how much they missed her too.

Natsu was silent for the rest of out stay, so Gray called him out so they can have a talk, it lasted for a while before Gray-sama walked out and left Natsu.

So you see, Juvia had enough reason to call it awkward despite of all the good things that happened. 

Lisanna's POV

I felt better after telling them my side of the story, and if I could be even more honest, I really missed everyone.

"You like books too, Lucy-san?" I asked Lucy, she was more quiet than I expected, or maybe things were still adjusting around us.

"Ah yeah, I read almost every genre of book that interests me," she replied, I overheard Gray inviting Natsu for a talk outside.

"Ohh but you must have a favorite," I inquired more, I honestly want to know more about her, "Lulu likes romance above everything, she actually recommended good reads to me," Levy joins the conversation, after getting a refill in her coffee.

I waited for Lucy's response thought, I noticed that her gaze followed Natsu and Gray's direction, is she Juvia's love rival? I laugh at my own thoughts, if she is Juvia would be fuming mad at her.

"Lucy-san?" I called for her attention again, and this time she looked at me, "Ah yes, romance," she then gave an awkward laugh.

I gave her space after that, I sincerely want to be friends with her too, maybe not just this moment since we are... adjusting.

a few days later

"Take care Lis, I'll text you when training is over," Natsu said before rushing back inside the court.

Since middle school, I know that this is his dream, to be part of the varsity team of Fairy High, and I couldn't be prouder that in the years that happened to be selfish, here he was achieving his goals, and more impressive, he is the captain.

After knowing that, I became supportive of Natsu's basketball trainings, I intend to watch today but I have to go home early since I forgot to bring extra medications.

I made myself out of gym, I stopped by and sat on the bleachers near the water refill area, thinking I still have time for rest.

Apparently a lot of students aren't familiar with me yet, to gossip about me around me. 

"Captain Natsu's back, I missed watching him play," girls in cheerleader uniform passed by me, they were on the way to the gym.

"Yeah totally, I was worried that the new girl was a hindrance in his ball career, Lucy was better for him for real," another girl replied.

"I know right! Lucy didn't even bother the team in training and waits patiently outside the gym, its a bummer she lost to the new girl, she's not even a cheerleader material!"

"She looks to small and fragile, I even first thought she is Captain Natsu's younger sister or something, she clings on him too much!" 

"I just don't like her for the Natsu, whatever her deal is, she caused a trouble for the team," and that's the last I heard from them after they entered the gym.

I was bothered with two things from that conversation, why do they seem to hate me so much? What did I do to make them think of me that way? 

and why do they prefer Lucy for Natsu? Were they an item before I come back? 



we'll get to Lucy first then Natsu's POV soon <3

Thank u for waiting for an update! 

I've been both busy and sick this past weeks, so thank you for patiently waiting! 


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