The room was a pretty baby pink colour with white. Furniture was white but the decor was shades of baby pink. The bed was large, bigger then a double, had many cushions. I walk over and look out of the window, i do try the window but it was useless, and locked. I keep looking around. The drawers were full of the clothes i would wear, shoes my exact size, i open one door and squeal excitedly when i see my own walk in closet, it was huge and had rails upon rails of clothes, a whole wall of heels and shoes.

And then to my surprise, when i walk into the bathroom, it had my own makeup station, my own bathtub and shower- separate.

I skip back into the room, very satisfied, and when i slump on the bed and look up at the ceiling, the happiness dies down a little bit.

He put security cameras in the corner of my room.

I quickly get off the bed, checking the ceiling in the closet and it was the same, a motion sensing camera.

And the same in the bathroom.

I can't even pee in peace.

I take my phone out of my pocket, calling Nicolas. "Is Roman mad at me?"

He was dead silent.


"Of course he's fucking mad at you- god Arabella do research, for fucks sake. That man is a psychopath and when he doesn't get what he wants, he goes on a rampage. And guess what. He didn't get what he wanted because you decided to go to fucking France and so he killed over fifty fucking people!" He says all in one breath.

Damn. The Roman i know and the Roman everyone else knows is a very different person.

"He's locked me in my bedroom."

"Be happy it's the fucking bedroom and not a basement."

"I haven't ate since i was in France. I'm starving, can you bring me-"

"No. Roman will kill me. You deal with that." He hangs up.

I stare at my phone screen, then throw it on my bed and lay back again. I should have ate the airport food but airport food always makes me get the shits.

I turn onto my side, sliding my hand under my cheek and closing my eyes. Sleep cures everything in my opinion.

So that's what i do.

For three days.

I drink tap water, ignore my calls for hunger and hate Roman Reign.

I was still laying in bed, my body weak from not having having food in three days when i usually eat about three days worth of food in one day. My stomach was aching, giving me pain every time i moved.

The door opens and Luca walks in with a tray of food. And i felt like crying. I don't know why i felt like crying. "How mad is he?" I push myself up.

"He's pissed." He sets the tray down on my bed.

I pick up the french fry, shoving it into my mouth, "Can you tell him i want to talk to him?"

"I can try but i can't guarantee he'll want to talk back." He presses the back of his hand to my head, "I'll call a doctor round."

"It's nothing, i haven't ate in days." I move my head away from him. "Thank you for the food."

"Princess, don't hate me. This is on you-"

"No it's not. He didn't give me rules." I shake my head, "And if he thinks starving me in a locked room with nothing else to do is going to get me to submit to him. He has another thing coming. I've managed to escape one controlling man in my life and i am not going to let him do it to me too."

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