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Jihyo's pov

We gathered at Momo and Jeongyeon's house for re-continuations of their wedding, they cancelled it twice because of uncertian happening to our group. But right now its so well, everyone have their own partner happy and sounds.

Well apparently everyone was here except of Nayeon, it was her interview with Bazaar Magazines so she can't attend and we look like outcast here because everyone was with their own partners only me and Dahyun are not.

I'm thinking that i'm wasting my time here because we're not really planning, it all settled a year ago they just cancelled the date but not all the plan. But we can't go home because the idiots want to bond before the wedding, they say that we might got busy again at work so might as well take our time and enjoy the moment. I think it's not bad after all but the bad thing is, me and Dahyun was sick of looking at them being a lovey dovey as if their not living together.

"Are we gonna stay here and look at you all the whole time?" I said looking at them one by one, not really a look but i glared. "Stop acting like you all haven't see each others, for god sake you are living together."

Everyone chuckled, so i rolled my eyes, this brats.

"You're just jealous because Daniel was busy." I rolled my eyes again at the cub, do i look like a bitter ofcourse not, they just wasting my time.

"Shut up." They just laughed and continue what they're doing.

I have nothing to do so i on the tv, watching some news was way more better than watching their faces.

Looks like Nayeon interview was live here, everyone turn their attention towards the tv when Nayeon start to greet her fans. I look at Dahyun and she was smiling looking at her girlfriend, there have spark in her eyes while looking at nayeon unnie, you can see that they both so whipped with each other.

"Hi everyone, i'm glad that i've been seen you again." The crowd in the background get wild looks like there's alot of fans come on her interview.

"We are also glad that you're the new face of Bazaar Magazine, its been awhile that we have interview you." The host of the show said, maybe the Bazaar was connected to the company of the show, they don't usually air the interview but looks like they are planning more than that and ofr addition is to gain a high rating.

"Yeah you're right, we haven't see each other for a year, you're getting younger unnie." Tsk she have her way on how to make those people on her side, she really is something no wonder alot of those people was close with her in the Entertainment industry.

"You still the same Nayeon-ssi, thank you and you look good too as always."

They both laughed and talked about, before the host started to ask some small questions to her and she really answered it smoothly.

"So it's the last question, actually everyone loved to hear your answer on this one." The host smile, i think this is the thing they were planning. "Everyone was shock about your status, when Agency confirmed that you're Dating the youngest CEO Kim Dahyun, and i was curious no i mean all of us was curious on how you two met." We look at Nayeon but she still smiling not bothered at all so i took a glances on the peron beside me but she was doing the same, wierd but they really the same.

"Your fans was anticipating, are you guys excited to hear her story?" The crowd get wild saying yes.

Nayeon smiled widely as if some great ideas come to her mind.

"Oh it was long story but yeah sure, i'll make it short for you all. We met in a wrong time actually, i was in relationship and getting married that time, we bump each other and the second time i catch a glimpse of her, she only wearing simple shirt and jeans nothing accessories or something and she's not also wearing a desinger clothes. I thought of her as one of the employee of the ship where we met because  she was so simple back then but she still caught my eyes."

Just Like Forbidden loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora