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Dahyun's pov

It was Mina's wedding, actually i don't have plan on coming here but my wife and Daughter was here. Mina also invited Chaeyoung and send the  invitation on her but the latter didn't say anything. I found it insensitive but nayeon had explain that Mina want to see Chaeyoung.

"Love i just call someone." Nayeon nod so i proceed outside the wedding hall. The wedding was private and only exclusive for family and friends so we can let Lia be with Nayeon by now.

Nayeon wants to introduce Lia to everyone before her contract end and i was fine with it, we also want to bring Lia out for a walk and strolled in park.

"Hyun." I look at someone who call me seeing Tzuyu jeongyeon unnie and Daniel oppa. "Where you going dahyun unnie?." Tzuyu asked when they come near me.

"I just call and check Chaeyoungie you know it was Mina's wedding today." We proceed to the garden of thee hotel just standing here and i call Chaeyoung. But she was not answering, as far as i remember she don't have any thing do in this day because i call her yesterday.

"Why?" Daniel asked upon seeing the confussion on my face. I know Chaeyoung, she always answered my calls or giving me a notice when should i call if she was busy around. I know she always think that she only have me so the least she can do is to not makes me mad at her and this is unusual.

I already told her that the wedding was merging of their company but she wont believed it because she always said that Mina was smart. She said that Mina always think the possible action before she agreed and letting her marry the man is the sign that she already over on her.

"She's not answering." I was trying and trying, feeling frustated at the ringing sounds and the sudden beeping on the end indicating that someone was busy.

"JUST CALL her again later hyun, Momo texted me that the wedding will gonna start."  I nod and send a message on Chaeyoung so she can read it and answer my call later.

Cub 🐯:
    I call you later please answered that fucking phone of yours or i will flew to Jeju and kill you😒.


I put my phone on my pocket. The wedding was in Seoul so is not hard to flew to Jeju after this, i was just make sure Lia and Nayeon was safe before i visit the cub. Our sudden reunion was cancel because of Chaeyoung not showing up herself and Mina  who have errands also.

I was here in my seat Nayeon was the one who look after Lia because she was participated as a flower girl, gosh as much as i want to look after her because she was an anti social person but, i don't want to gain so much eyes.

I take a photo of her when she walk to the aisle while her Mom was just at the side, encouraging her to be okay. People had mesmerized when they saw Nayeon but Jimin asked his relatives to not take a photo of Nayeon including Lia as too my request and Mina also for our families privacy. Even his group of friends trying to hooked up with our girls but we were too fast to not let them come near our wifes. We still haven't show Lia to Nayeon's fans and we don't want to engaged her in any media. After everyone we just waiting for Mina to come inside, i thought she run away but when the door open revealing her in her beautiful white dress i guest she's not gonna turn back now.

I was so disappointed but i can't just react the way they accept the things on the both of them. I was saying about Chaeyoung and Mina choosing the different path away from each other.

I look at the man, actually i know his father. We had some talk back then and i saw him attending one of the event my father had hosted. He send me a invitation in this wedding without knowing that my wife was Mina's bestfriend.

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