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A man with the age of forty was smirking, he was waiting for his another ally who he recruited not that long ago. He's with his trusted men, they plan the revenge to Kim Dahyun and he follow her daughter just to know everything what Dahyun do or who's with her.

A revenge for her to ruin her life, thats why he recruit every person who hated Kim Dahyun so much. At first the man he recruit refuse too but he introduce his self as Nayeon's father and guarantee that he will be Nayeon's lover if Dahyun died.

"I'm sorry sir i just ask my CEO for my break in a month." A man in his late twenties enter at the car.

They was heading to one of the hideout of them and to where to others are. They are waiting the right time to execute the plan.

"Thats fine Jackson i'm glad you agreed for this."

Jackson really don't have plan to do such horrible things but he wants to make Nayeon's Dad agreed on courting his daughter and for also to have a good impression in their family, he was blinded by his love forNayeon to the point that he don't know what will gonna happen.

Nayeon's father was really crazy man, he don't care if something will happen to Nayeon all he wants to do is to get rid of the CEO of Kim's Company which is Dahyun. He drag them to make them utility and to put the blame of the things when everything get wrong, he manipulate them to agreed at the plan.

Nayeon's father and jackson had enter in a small house located at the concealed area far from other houses, only trees was visible in the area, best place to kill someone. The old man was the one who entered first follow by jackson. They've seen three mens at the same age with him in the living room talking seriously, but after they saw Nayeon's father they stand up and bow at him.

"Minhyuk, Bambam and Mark, i want you to meet Jackson he will help us with our plan." Mr. Im said looking at the three.

Minhyuk was the first want to offer his hand to Jackson and he smile makes the latter smiled also follow by her two friends. They just talk for a moment, no one ask whats jackson intention to help them, they just proceed the plan and tell jackson everything they talk about.


Nayeon have her own schedule early in the morning, as far as dahyun wants to wake up and send her to the company but she refuse to because nayeon said that she need to take a rest because she barely have one and that was true. She have so much work to do and a meeting to attend, also need to check on Tzuyu's house because the latter ask her too, she can tell when she's gonna come back so she ask dahyun to look after her house.

Dahyun shake her head because the kid haven't ask her how she was or even their friends, she just directly say that she want them to take care of her house, more like an order to her and Tzuyu know that dahyun can't say no to her even she ask it impolite.

Dahyun got arrived in tzuyu's house but she was curious on why Chaeng's car in there, or maybe the kid order her too as if they are her slave. She just decide to knock even she have spare key with her but Dahyun git stuck in her place when the least person she think off will the one who open the door.

"Sana unnie." Thats the only word Dahyun state after seeing Sana, she don't know what to react, the cub didn't told her that Sana was back already.

"Dahyunah." Sana was shock also seeing dahyun early in the morning, she haven't think that maybe Tzuyu ask them to check for their house.

"Ahm." Dahyun scratch her back head she don't know what to say. "How are you unnie?"

Sana just invite her in first then she saw the other couple sleeping at the couch, looks like they cuddle each other there. Same position Mina was hugging the younger head in chaeng's chest while the latter securing the older by circling her other arm on the older's waist tighter.

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