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People say when you die your life flashes across your eyes, well for me, I saw exactly that. It just seems that they forgot to mention the part where you feel the worst pain imaginable. All I remember is pain, a burning dose of pain coursing through my body, over and over again until, it stopped.

An all too familiar black mist stood in front of my eyes. "I am so sorry Katerina," whispered the mist like I would break if it spoke any louder. The mist swiftly morphed into a man that I had grown up with and loved most; my dad.

He engulfed me in a hug of which I immediately returned. "I found you in the throne room, sadly the poison had already spread farther than anticipated, I should never have left you by yourself."  As we let go of one another I notice golden pools of tears forming in his eyes.

My memory was hazy of what had led to my untimely death yet I could remember the chalice of water tasting different. That was when it clicked, that's how I was poisoned. I tried to speak but my throat burned like fire.

Questions started to form in my head, if I was poisoned why wasn't I taken by Thanatos and where in Hades were I. Curious, I glanced around to try and identify where my father and I were. It was night time where ever I was and, if I squinted my eyes a bit, I could make out a forest ahead which wasn't very helpful but it was something.

Dad must have noticed this because he wiped his tears and sighed. "Hades owed me a favour and let me take your soul, doing so I managed to, as you may call it, reincarnate you into a different life."

My heart skipped a beat while my brain tried to grasp what I had just been told, I died, only to be brought back to life into a different body with another family. I tried again to speak but only got a few words out. "Which life-," Twilight."

That was it. My mind had packed up and left. There was no way in Tartarus that I could be in a book/film saga made up of vampires and werewolves. Don't get me wrong I was a fan of the book series and the films but being in them was a bit different.

I would have continued my thought process but right at that moment dad interrupted my thoughts. "I understand your worries, but luckily it doesn't affect you being my daughter, you will just have a different mother, I chose the swan family as your guardians." I sighed a breath of relief, at least I'll still be able to have my dad with me, but how will I defend myself, unlike other demigods I was never let in Camp Half-blood since dad never even left me alone except for the time where I was poisoned. The Irony.

I finally had enough and forced myself to speak. "Will I go to Camp Half-blood," I tried to say but it came out as more of a croak. However, I knew dad understood what I meant as he sucked in an unneeded breath, his face spelt guilt, I guess he blamed my death on not taking me to be trained.

This of course wasn't true, after all being poisoned had nothing to do with the ability to fight. "Yes, I will not repeat the same mistake as I did before and you will need it more than ever if you are going to be staying with mortals," he said in almost a protective stance.

Surprisingly my voice had started to regain its strength, "What's the price for my rebirth, there is always a price from the fates?" This seemed to have caught my dad off guard as he spluttered a bit but quickly gained his composure. "Well for one I cannot live with you permanently, your new body will have to be a baby again and...," he stayed quiet after that so I didn't press on the matter knowing he will tell me when I need to know.

I already half expected the news of having to start from a baby and I guess not living with my dad while growing up would be sad but at least I am alive and will see him as I grow older, it could be worse. "I wanted to say goodbye as you will be waking up in a few minutes, be safe and remember I love you to the Universe and back, I'll try to visit you soon in your dreams and, use your powers wisely." With a kiss on the forehead and a near-not-breathing-hug, dad disappeared and I was awoken by a sweet motherly voice sing next to me.

My eyes were met with a bright shining light and a soft cooing beside me as I woke. I never knew my mother so this was very new to me, dad tried his best but truthly Nyx ended up being more of a mother figure to me, either way her voice was making me sleepy again. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

Author Note: I hope who ever reads this likes it so far. Any guesses to which god or primordial is your father?

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